Today, all the family took Spencer to see "The Real Santa," and she didn't cry! We go every Christmas Eve, it's our little tradition, and this was the first time that she hasn't had a complete meltdown upon being sat on his lap. Santa asked her what she wanted for Christmas and she replied "A bicycle. And, um, some play-doh." She cracks me up sometimes!
We went back to the PGP's house to open presents and have Christmas Eve dinner. After Spencer had opened the plethora of gifts from the the PGPs and PGGPs, we got ready to eat. I asked her if she would say the blessing and when she had finished her usual prayer, she added on "and God, thank you for all my presents!" Oh, I about died! It was the cutest and sweetest thing!
Spencie is finally asleep and looking super cute in her new Santa pajamas. And now, I think it's time to put on Home Alone and get to work on being Santa Claus. I'm thinking this is going to take a long time, especially with all these toys to assemble and training wheels to attach! Merry Christmas everyone- I hope you and your family have a wonderful, magical, and memorable day!
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
6 days ago