Friday, December 24, 2010

Santa Baby Spencer

Today, all the family took Spencer to see "The Real Santa," and she didn't cry! We go every Christmas Eve, it's our little tradition, and this was the first time that she hasn't had a complete meltdown upon being sat on his lap. Santa asked her what she wanted for Christmas and she replied "A bicycle. And, um, some play-doh." She cracks me up sometimes!

We went back to the PGP's house to open presents and have Christmas Eve dinner.  After Spencer had opened the plethora of gifts from the the PGPs and PGGPs, we got ready to eat.  I asked her if she would say the blessing and when she had finished her usual prayer, she added on "and God, thank you for all my presents!"  Oh, I about died!  It was the cutest and sweetest thing!

Spencie is finally asleep and looking super cute in her new Santa pajamas.  And now, I think it's time to put on Home Alone and get to work on being Santa Claus.  I'm thinking this is going to take a long time, especially with all these toys to assemble and training wheels to attach!  Merry Christmas everyone- I hope you and your family have a wonderful, magical, and memorable day!

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas on Wendhurst

We went to see some Christmas lights last night with Spencer's Mimi and Great-Gram (The PGP and the PGGP).  Spencer and I go out every night and look at different houses with lights on the Tacky Tour, but we'd been saving a few for when the PGPs came up for a visit.  I had just seen a special on TLC about a certain house in Richmond and I HAD to go and see it- so off we went.  And let me tell you... it did NOT disappoint. My pictures don't do it justice because I couldn't get everything in one panoramic shot, so it's all a little disjointed.  But every single one of the pictures that follows comes from the same house. Yep, just one house and over 120,000 lights.  They even have there own website, check it out to see it in it's full glory.

I know houses on the Tacky Tour are supposed to be "tacky," but I think this one is beautiful!
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Sunday, December 12, 2010

My Daughter, the Photographer

These photos, which she took this afternoon, are courtesy of Spencer and a point and shoot camera.  It started off promising- she told me to say cheese and then waited until I was looking at her before she took the pictures.  But then she got impatient with me, the photography itch took hold, and she just started snapping away to her heart's content.  It tells a nice little story, haha!

It started off pretty well...

Then she figured out the zoom... and it's all downhill from here...

My forehead looks gigantic here, but it gets worse...

See what I mean?  Now I have the world's tiniest chin. I think this was a combination of zoom and standing right in front of me.  Not sure why I'm red, though!

And who knows what happened here...

But this one takes the cake.  That red splotch in the top left hand corner... that's Spencer's finger.

 Maybe with a little practice she'll be the next Diane Arbus or Annie Leibovitz! 

PS.  When you read the title, it's supposed to be like the line from The 'Burbs, "My brother, the doctor!"  Please tell me you've seen The 'Burbs, because if you haven't, you are missing out. Seriously!)

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Everything Changes, but the Pigtails Stay the Same

Before I start writing about Christmas, I have to get this post out onto the Internets. And then, the Season of Jolly may commence.

Every year on my birthday, my aunt, Spencer and I go to the pumpkin patch. It all started three years ago when my brother had a volleyball game on my birthday, my parents were going to his game, and I was a bit bummed out. So my aunt took off work and we decided to go to the pumpkin patch. Spencer's hair had just gotten long enough for pig tails and I was a little obsessed with them- so in they went.

The next year, my brother had a volleyball game again and so my aunt and I decided we'd make a tradition of it and go back to the pumpkin patch. I thought it would be cute to put her in pig tails again so the tradition would continue, even though she hadn't worn them in awhile. Since we had the tradition going, we went again this year on my (ugh!) 29th birthday. Well, Spencer hasn't worn pig tails since the last time we went, but I didn't care, a tradition was a tradition.

So now I have three years of Spencer wearing pig tails at the pumpkin patch on October 22 and I'm so glad that I do, because they are the only constant thing about her. I knew that she looked different than the first year we went, but I couldn't get over how much she'd grown up in since last year.




I'm ready for her to stop growing up now and just stay the same for awhile.  Me too, for that matter...

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