Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Follower

This is my first official week doing Friday Follow!

Friday Follow

Here's how it works:  

**  The hostesses of Friday Follow are One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades.  

**  Go to one of their sites and add your blog to the McLinky list.

**  Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots. 

**  Follow as many blogs as you'd like.

**  Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow.

**  Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow.

**  The Blog Hop is the same at each of our three hosts blogs so you do not have to add your blog at each site. 
I found some really cool blogs last week, during my quasi-attempt, and I hope to find even more this week!  To get to know me a little bit better, here a a few links about "getting to know me" better. 

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Collectoins Galore

Our collections, or things we like to collect, are the topic on this week's Show Us Your Life over at Kelly's Korner.  I have a lot of odd collections, some more extensive than others, some I inherited, and some that are just weird. Here are my three favorites.

When I was 15 my Papa gave me his beloved coin collection.  He was an amateur numismatist and it was always something that we liked to do together.  I would ask questions about each one and he would tell me the story behind it and how he came to be it's owner. It's my most valuable collection, but it's also my most sentimental.  

When my Papa was first diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease my family decided not to tell me right away.  So one day when I was at their house he called me into his office and said he had something for me.  Then he went his safe and got out his coins.  He told me he wanted to give it to me now so that he could always remember the look on my face when he said it was mine.  I didn't really understand why he needed to remember me, because I wasn't going anywhere, but I was so excited that he wanted me to have his pride and joy and I didn't give much thought to the reason behind it.  A few months later when I found out about his diagnosis, I realized the significance of his gift to me.  I can't take any pictures of it though because I have it in a safe deposit box. 

Next up is my oddball one. I love pigs!  I wanted a pot belly pig so badly and instead of an actual Babe of a pig, my parents gave me my first pig collectible. Then it became some kind of running joke with people and then everyone started giving me pigs.

I got the pig on the right at the market in Peru when I was there doing a mission trip with my youth group.  She's my favorite out of all my pigs, although I'm secretly worried she's painted with lead paint, haha.

I try to put my pigs in different places throughout the house, because there's something a little weird about a 28 year old with a bunch of pigs sitting all together staring at you! (I have many more, but I think you get the picture.)

My final collection is that of stamps.  Yes, I said it, stamps.  Although I haven't really seriously collected them in years, they were my first endeavor into the world of "collecting."  We moved to Minnesota when I was in the second grade; I didn't know anyone and for the first few months it was a little lonely.  My Grandma, my Dad's mom, sent me his old stamp collection in the mail and told me to start adding to it.  I took this job very seriously and I went about finding "neat" and "cool" stamps to add to my Dad's very antiquated 1960's collection.  As it happened, one of the first friends I made also liked stamps, and we would hunt new ones down and trade them with each other.  I wrote letters to all my family members that I wanted them to send me "awesome" stamps in the mail.  Since we were thousands of miles away from everyone, I guess they were missing me a lot, because they were always sending me stamps.

Every night my Dad and I would work on our book, making sure everything was laid out properly and in order.  It was something that I really loved doing with him and I have so many great memories of us hunting down new and old stamps.  When his fellowship at the Mayo Clinic was over we moved back to Virginia and I lost my stamp trading buddy.  I kinda kept my new hobby a secret from most of my old friends because I didn't want them to make fun of me- but I still kept working on it.  The older I got the less time I spent on stamps and eventually it slowed to an almost halt.  My dad keeps "our collection" at his house and every now and then we'll pull it out and look at our handy work. And occasionally we'll add new stamps that we've found- I try to add at least one new set a year and any other ones that I think are "pretty." I love that collection because of all the great memories it brings back to me.  Here is my favorite set, it's from 1990.

This is not my actual set, but I couldn't take a picture of mine because it's archived.

And those are my biggest collections.  I also have smaller ones of fleur-de-lis', antique Bibles, and depression glass. What are your collections?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's About Time

Kacie over at And Baby Makes Two gave me the Beautiful Blogger award.  Thank you Kacie!  Go over and check out her blog if you get a chance.  I haven't done an award post in awhile because I usually forget or I get started on the topic and then can't finish or (insert many excuses).  So I'm going to try and do better.

The Rules:
  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Copy the award and paste it to your blog.
  • Link the person who nominated you.
  • List 7 interesting things about yourself.
  • Nominate 7 other beautiful bloggers.
I think I might be running out of interesting things about myself, but I'm going to try!

1.  I know every single word to Salt-n-Pepa's Shoop and can sing the whole song without any help from background music. When it first came out, I was in the 5th grade and not allowed to listen to music like that.  Everyone of my friends knew the words and I was feeling all left out.  So one day I taped it off the radio and then would listen to it a sentence at a time until I could figure out what they were saying and memorize it.  So after a lot of rewinding, and I mean a lot, I had memorized the entire song. (How incredibly dorky was that?!)  Imagine how much easier that would have been if the internet had been around and I could've just looked up the lyrics online? haha, But the whole song is now permanently embedded in my brain.

2.  I got to interview the President of Zanzibar, Amani Abeid Karume, when I was in college. Except I wasn't allowed to ask him anything that might be perceived as negative, which really annoyed me.

3.  I wear flip flops year round and always have.

4.  I had a crush on He-Man when I was really little and when I found out he was just a drawing I was heart broken.

5.  I like the way pears taste but I can't bear to eat them because I hate their texture.

6.  I have a minor obsession with the Duggars.  I am fascinated by them- I just can't turn away from watching.

7.  One of my pet peeves is when people use fabric softener on towels because it makes it next to impossible for them soak up water.  Use extra dryer sheets!

I'm going to disobey the rules and nominate everyone who is on my roll call on the sidebar.  I think you are all amazing ladies and beautiful bloggers!

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Verify You're a Human

Please use this word in a sentence.  I will go first.
He's so dunber that he makes even Dunder Mifflin's Michael Scott look like Albert Einstein!

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Time Flies

I took these pictures one year ago today.

I can't believe how fast she is growing up.
Everything else about her continues to change; everything but this look that she's still giving me (and those eyelashes)!

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Self Portraits From a Tegan and Sara Concert

Sara and I tried to take our picture on Thursday night before the concert and these were the results.  We took a bunch, but couldn't get them quite right.  It was really hard to take pictures of ourselves in the front seat of her car, in the dark, with my camera positioned on the dashboard.  These were some of  my favorites, although I don't know why my hair looks red, because it's not red.  The concert was amazing and I had such a great time!  If felt like we were in high school all over again. If any of you have the chance to see Tegan and Sara in concert, I would totally recommend that you do, because they were fabulous live and put on a really great show.
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Twinkle Twinkle- A Cute Spencer Story

Spencer and I were singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star this afternoon.  When we finished we both started clapping and she was yelling  "Yea, yea, yea!"  I gave her a hug, poked her in the belly, and said "You're my Little Star."  She pulled away and lowered her eyebrows, looking at me like I was crazy.  Then she replied, "No Mommy, I Spencer."  I burst out laughing, saying "You're not my Little Star?"

"NO!  I Spencer!  Spencer White!"

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Friday, February 19, 2010

My Ministry

This week's Show Us Your Life is a little bit of a departure from our normal carefree bits about how we live.  Everyone has a secret struggle and often times we hide these fears and painful difficulties. Most of us are all burdened in some way or another and we frequently keep it to ourselves.  I want to be a source of encouragement for those who are experiencing similar situations and I want to show other women that even in our darkest hour, He will not  leave our side. I am a single mother and that is my ministry.

I don't think any little girl grows up thinking she wants to be a single parent, or at least I didn't.  That was something I never pictured for myself- couldn't even have imagined it would ever happen to me.  I grew up in a strict Christian home, went to church three times a week, plus youth group, choir and Bible study and had a very real personal relationship with Jesus. My best friend was/is my pastor's daughter and my boyfriend was her brother- the pastor's son. All I ever wanted was to marry him and have lots of babies. We dated for almost ten years, from the age of 13 to 22, and when we broke up I was beyond heart broken.  I couldn't, and didn't, go to church because seeing him was too difficult for me and I was in college- there were a million other things I could be doing on Sundays besides going to church.  I guess it didn't take too long for me start living completely for myself.  I was angry with God for so many things and it was just easier to hide from Him rather than facing and dealing with everything.

I began dating someone new, someone who was not a Christian.  But he was a lot fun and nothing like my ex boyfriend, which was exactly what I wanted then.  I never planned on us having a long term relationship, I thought he was just my rebound guy.  Or at least that's what everyone told me, I'd only dated one person in my life, so I'd never had a rebound relationship.  But then a few weeks turned into months and then into years.  It started off like smelling like roses and I quickly forgot all about my shattered heart.  And then things changed, the newness wore off, and the real personality emerged. But by then it was too late, I had fallen in love with someone who didn't really exist and I thought if I could just be a better, more perfect version of myself, that I could get him to be who I thought he was. It became an unhealthy relationship and we were quite the dysfunctional couple.  I thought I was in love with him though and I made excuses to myself for why I should still be with him.

And then my life really fell apart.  My beloved Mema passed away completely unexpectedly during my first week at a top tier law school.  Just four months later my invincible, genius, top neurologist in the world, dad was diagnosed with an incurable form of cancer- Non-Hodgkin Small B-Cell Lymphoma, specifically Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma. I couldn't breathe, every second of every day was more painful than the one before it.  I couldn't fathom what God trying to do to me and I became so angry with Him.  My faith had already been on shaky grounds and when all of this happened it became practically nonexistent.

When I found out I was pregnant I was in my second year of law school.  I had worked so hard for my perfect future and my whole perfectly imagined life was in front me.  I had everything to lose and nothing to be gained from having a baby.  (Or at least that's what I thought)  Her father did not want me to keep the baby and for awhile I was miserably waffling about what I should do.  My parents would be devastated and my life as I'd dreamed it would be over.  I didn't choose the easy road.  I could have done what he wanted and gone on about my life as if nothing had ever happened- no one would know and and no one would ever have to think any less of me because I wouldn't have to drop out of law school and become an unwed single mother.  But I couldn't do it.  The chances of me becoming pregnant were slim, like so slim, and I knew that there must be a reason or a higher purpose for this baby that was growing in my tummy. 

I didn't have a decision to make, my baby was my only choice.  The next eight months were the worst of my life.  I really don't even like to think about that time because it makes me sick to my stomach. I'd always been the kind of child that my parents were (mostly) proud of- they were eager to share my accomplishments with their friends/co-workers/anyone who would listen, had impossibly high hopes and expectations for my future, and always pushed me to succeed in everything I did. While my personal life left much to be desired by my mother, she often overlooked it because of how well I did in my educational/professional life. And then it all changed; pride was replaced with shame and embarrassment. It took me my mom months before she was able to go back to church; I had humiliated her and she was ashamed of me.

For the first few months, (5 to be exact) I hid indoors. I only told one other person and basically was cut off from the world. My parents didn't want to tell my grandparents, so I wasn't allowed to go to any family functions. Who knows how long that would've gone if it hadn't of been for my Grandma passing away when I was six months along. There was no way my parents could explain my absence from her funeral, so they were forced to tell the rest of my family. It was their reactions to the news, which were so unexpectedly supportive and encouraging that I think it gave my parents, my mother in particular, a different perspective. My Grandpa said "We lost our girl (meaning my Grandma) but God's given us another one."

But I don't want to give the impression that I deserved better. My mom had invested her life in making sure my dreams could and would come true. Countless hours and thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars were spent on my behalf, as an investment in my future. And then I threw it all away as if it meant nothing. My mom now saw her life as a waste, everything she'd done and sacrificed was now worthless. She was devastated and mourning the life she thought I would have. And I understand that because I was also mourning the life I had worked so hard to have. It took me awhile to fully come to terms with the new direction I was on and to say goodbye to the old hopes and dreams. It would have been very different if this hadn't had been something I did to myself, something I chose to do. I made the conscious choice to go ahead with my pregnancy and have my daughter when I could have made a different decision. I could have gone on my merry way, deluding myself that nothing had changed.   But I didn't.  And I thank the Lord daily for my precious daughter.

My church was unbelievably supportive of me, even when I couldn't gather the courage to show my face and walk through their doors.  The ladies gave me a baby shower and my best friend's mother gave the devotion.  The verses she read changed my outlook on everything, as if a blindfold had been removed from my eyes. Psalm 139:13-17:

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.  When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!  How vast is the sum of them!
I had been hiding from everyone, but mostly from God.  The only reason I was having a baby was because of something I did wrong; because of a sin I committed.  But out of my sin He created something beautiful.  He formed her in my womb and He saw her and the life she would have before time even began.  This was the beginning, the first of many, turning points in my road to redemption; I stopped hiding and began thanking.

She has changed my life, for sure, but more importantly she's made me a better person.  I used to be very self-involved; I was the axis point about which the world revolved.  Since becoming a mother it's as if the floodgates of my empathy have opened up. I have a new purpose in my life.  It helps me get through the rough days- to know that my daughter is the greatest gift this world has to offer me and I need to be up to the task.  And now that I'm two and half years into this wonderfully unexpected journey, I'm still alive!  I don't see myself as a failure anymore and I hope that any other single mother in a similar circumstance can see that better days are ahead.  I wasted so much time hiding and being miserable because I hated seeing how people now looked at me- and I wish I could get that time back.

One of the most difficult things about being a Christian single mother is that there's not much hope for the kind of marriage I'd always dreamed of having.  I'm still working on that, still trying to trust and believe that all things are going to work out together for good.  But I have good days and bad days and every day presents new challenges as well as opportunities.  I'm working on seeing the opportunities instead of focusing on the obstacles.  I try to be a source of encouragement to other single mothers- to let them know that they can do this! I still have struggles with my faith, but it's something I work on daily. One of the real changing points was last year when I felt I really needed to do something to jump start my relationship with the Lord and I decided I would pray every day of Lent instead of giving up something. I can't begin to tell you the transformation this had on my hardened heart.  I'm still far from where I want to be and I still have a lot of work to do, but I'm getting there, slowly but surely.  Over on my sidebar and in the upper menu tabs you can find links to previous posts where I write about how I've worked through and managed everything, from faith, to finances to family.

Before I had my daughter, before I become a parent- I had no real appreciation for just how precious life is; and now it's something I think about daily.  I am so grateful for my daughter and for how being her mother has made me want to be a person worthy of her. No, this isn't the life I imagined for myself, but having Spencer in my life has made it infinitely better than anything in my wildest dreams.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy February Birthday to Me

Since I lamented in quite a few posts about getting older, turning 28, but still feeling like a teenager on the inside, then I'm sure you've realized that my birthday was months ago.  And if you didn't know that, well now you know I'm four months into this 28th year of mine, although I tend to see it as six months until my 29th and just a measly 18 months until the big three-oh.  So how is it my birthday in February?

Because back in October my bestie had just had her second child and was now the mother of a newborn and a 14 month old.  But somehow, even in that new baby state of haziness, she was able to think about me and my birthday and she got us tickets to see:

Tegan & Sara for when they were coming to Richmond in February. (We both love them) And that just happens to be tomorrow!  So we're going to a concert- just the two of us.  She even called my mom to see if she'd watch Spencer for me! It's a real girls night out and I'm so excited.  Sara and I haven't been to a concert together in years- like almost a decade- and we looked like this back then:

(a game played during a youth group meeting)

We were just silly goofy kids.  And now we're both moms.  
But always best friends.  
Forever Friends. 
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hair Blind

I think someone is in need of a serious hair cut.  Ahem, Miss. Spencer, that would be you.  Which I guess should actually read, Katie- either cut her bangs yourself or get over to beauty parlor, pronto!

The thing about Spencer's hair is that it's really super fine, which means it's like fly-away central. And each time we go and get her cut, it looks disheveled within a week because it doesn't stay put in one place.  Hair from the back of her head goes forward and gets mixed in with her bangs and vice versa.  It's a never winning battle I tell ya!  So I have visions of growing out her bangs and putting an end to this hair drama, but then it starts to look like this.

And then you, or I, get the stares from strangers, like That poor child, her mother doesn't care enough about her daughter to even get her a hair cut.  I've tried putting in clips and keeping her bangs out of her face that way until they grow out all the way, but they only last about an hour before she's pulling them out and doing her own version of "pretty" hair with them.  (And it's not pretty!)  Plus, Spencer has a really small forehead and they hair people never want to cut her bangs about the eyebrow because then she'll only have like an inch and half of hair, haha.  Oh, my poor baby girl- the rituals of beauty grooming start so early don't they?

So what should I do?  Is she too young to have her bangs grown out?  Should I just keep cutting them cut until she's older and won't resist hair clips and barrettes? Or should I stick with this path- since they're already 1/10 of the way grown out? (haha)  But here's the one thing to consider- my mom made me have bangs when I was young and when I was finally old enough to say I didn't want them, I'd give up about 1/2 way through the growing out process because I just couldn't take it anymore.  I always wished she'd just have let them get long when I was much younger and blissfully unaware of the rotten state of my hair. My bangs didn't cease their existence until I was in the 7th grade! So I'm afraid that my past experience is clouding my judgment :) Okay, so give me your thoughts please.

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Saw the Sign

When I got home from my class last night it was pretty late, almost 10pm.  I quickly tried to get Spencer settled and ready for bed, but she was pretty wound up- which translates into I needed to rock her to sleep or else she'd be up forever.  So there she is in my arms, thrashing about and struggling to regain her freedom as I silently counted to ten and concentrated on breathing through my nose. And then all of a sudden she just stopped.  Not a move or a sound was she making.  I opened my eyes to see her staring transfixed on the ice skaters from last night's Olympic Pairs Final.  Her eyes would great really wide and whenever the skaters did something she liked, she'd say "Ohhh WOW!"  And within a few minutes her eyelids started drooping and she fell fast asleep.

Now in my world, that's what I call an Ace of Base, I saw The Sign kinda sign-  it was as if the Lord Himself was commanding me to give Spencer ice skating lessons!  And who am I to question what He has clearly ordered me to do?  So just as soon as I was able so slip Spence out of my arms, I went on a quest to find a place where she could take lessons.  I can't even tell ya'll just how excited I am by what I found.  I started getting a little discouraged because all the websites for the different rinks around here kept saying that the youngest group was ages 4-6.  But I didn't give up and that's when I found this:
I signed her up as soon as I found it!  Did you see that wonderful sentence at the top? In case you missed it, it says "Join us on the ice with your Pre-Schoolers!"  I get to ice skate too!  We get to ice skate together! It's a great price AND I get to buy her a cute little ice skating outfit!! (In my heart, each of those three sentences I just wrote actually has about 50 exclamation following them, but for the sake of your eyes and sanity, I tried my best to limit them, haha!) The whole thing sounds like so much fun and I really hope Spencer likes it.  If my eight year old self could see this I think she'd be pretty pleased.
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Monday, February 15, 2010

Bullet Point Monday

I have a lot going on today, so I have to bring back the bullet points.  For some reason it's a lot easier (and quicker) to write out my thoughts this way rather than in real sentence/paragraph form- even though my bullet points are always complete sentences and usually become a mini paragraph unto themselves.  Go figure.  So here it goes!
  • I have a test tonight in Sociology.  I'm not too concerned, but I missed class last week because I was sick and I never like to take a test when I've missed the preceding class.  But since our notes are on Blackboard I have no excuse for not taking the test or doing well on it.
  • Yesterday my aunt took Spencer and I to Ruby Tuesdays for lunch since my parents were out of town with my brother.  Because we had on red (for Valentine's Day) we each got a $5 off coupon for the next time we eat there!
  • I made Spencer brownies from scratch in the shape of hearts for the yesterday.  They turned out quite delicious, but now all she can talk about is wanting to eat chocolate cake.  Ex. Me:  Holiday of Love Spencer, what would you like for breakfast?  Her:  Chocolate cake. This afternoon- Me:  I'm making macaroni and cheese for lunch.  Her:  NoI want chocolate cake!  Me:  After you eat your lunch.  Her:  No No No No No!!  Chocolate cake then cheese!  Pweese! 
  • I can't get enough of the Olympics and especially Apolo Ohno!  I cry every during ever single montage.  I could not control the water works when Alex Bilodeau won Canada's first ever gold medal at a home Olympics.  And it got worse when he said he did it for his brother, who has cerebral palsy and can hardly walk.  He talked about what an inspiration his big brother was to him and how he never complains about his lot in life  Then it turned into a full on, I need a tissue type of crying, when they panned onto the crowd and you see his brother standing at the finish line crying cheering like crazy, just as Alex runs up to him and they hug.  Seriously, if you didn't watch it last night, you can read about it here. But grab a tissue because it's a tear jerker!
  • I got the best comment from my bloggy friend Sarah the other night and it made my day.  It was regarding my new Olympic Crush, Apolo (We're on a first name basis).  She wrote "I hope he reads your blog and takes you out for dinner :)"  Awww!   
  • And now for your enjoyment and amusement- a picture of me, circa 1990, at my ice skating recital- where I had a teeny tiny solo moment, which seemed HUGE to my 8 year old self.  (Don't laugh too much!)

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Apolo Ohno

Apolo Ohno wins the Silver Medal for Team USA!  And becomes my new favorite Olympian Main Man!
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Friday, February 12, 2010

Parlez-Vous Olympics

That's a line from my all time favorite Olympics movie, The Cutting Edge.  I love, love, LOVE that movie!  My friend Steph and I would watch it all the time when we were in college and we can both recite practically every line.
So tonight kicks off the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, BC.  I love the Olympics.  My favorites are ice skating, speed skating, and skiing.  I've tried to watch curling, but I just don't get it.  When we lived in Minnesota I used to ice skate almost every day.  I'm still pretty good at it, when I get the rare chance to go to the rink.  Are ya'll excited about the Olympics?  Which are your favorite sports?

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I Got Nothing

To write about!  Since we've been sick I've done a big huge nothing.  Because of all the snow and crazy weather we've been having (today we had thunder snow), Spencer and I haven't seen the inside of a car in 5 days.  I'm going stir crazy.  But I am feeling a little better today and Spencer is almost back to normal.  Well, she acts like she's perfectly fine, but the gooey grossness that comes out of her nose indicates that she's not 100%.  (And I have to clean up that nose!  Not my favorite thing to do.)

I would really like to sleep for an uninterrupted four hours tonight- that's my goal.  I've been waking up every hour coughing and that is no fun.  Plus I have to try and not wake up Spencer, so it just makes everything that much more difficult. I need some ideas of fun things to do in the house when your not feeling your best.  Any suggestions? 

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I have what Spencer has.  She is doing better, but still isn't quite up to par.  We've been staying at my parents house so that they can help out with Spencer, since I'm sick now.  It's supposed to snow again tomorrow.  Ugh!  There's still so much snow on the ground.  I'm hoping that my head clears and I can breathe out of my nose again soon.  I'm watching Couples Retreat right now- it's pretty funny!  Although every time I laugh it hurts my sinuses and I start coughing up a lung.

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Friday, February 5, 2010

In My Makeup Bag

I wrote about my must have essential beauty products a few months ago, but since it's also today's Show Us How You Live topic, I thought I'd repost it and add a few more things to it.  First of all, I LOVE makeup and I'm on a constant quest to find the best anti-aging/prevent aging products.  Since I don't have hundreds of dollars to spend on these types of things, it makes it a little more difficult- but not impossible.

Okay, so my favorite must have essential items are: Fiberwig Mascara in black, Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Blunt (but Baked is a really good summer color), NARS blush in Orgasm, MAC Fluidline Eyeliner in Blacktrack (but you can't buy MAC at Sephora), and Bliss Fabulous Foaming Face Wash cleanser and exfoliator. Those are my have to haves, or really want to haves! I don't usually wear foundation because my skin doesn't need it all that much, but when I do wear, my favorite is Smashbox's High Definition Foundation in Fair 01. I also really like MAC's Fix Powder, but I brush it on because it can look a little heavy (which is great for bad skin days).

Some of the other things you can find in my makeup bag are Russian Red MAC lipstick and DuWop Lip Vemon,

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Who Likes Wednesdays?

My little Spencer isn't feeling well today and she is in a mood, let me tell you!  We spent last night with the PGPs and she cried every 30 minutes, all night long.  She wouldn't wake up exactly, she'd just start wailing until I could soothe her back to dreamland.  It was a LONG night.  Thank goodness we were at their house, because they let me sleep in a few extra hours this morning since I got practically no sleep last night. 

This morning she was acting fine, no fever, but her nose was super runny and she had a little cough.  The doctor said if she isn't any better by tomorrow to bring her in to see him.  She is napping right now, hopefully it give her body a good rest and she'll feel better when she wakes up.  I don't really have much of anything else to write about!  Oh, wait, yes I do.  Please pray for Spencer's Great-Poppy- the PGP's are going to the Middle of Nowhere, NC today because he's been having a few health issues.  One of them seems like it might be something pretty serious, so I know he could really use your prayers.  Okay, now I'm officially out of words.

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Monday, February 1, 2010

Winter Wonderland Weekend

We had a huge snow storm here this weekend with over a foot of snow!  It started early Saturday morning and didn't stop until early Sunday morning.  We were snowed in with my bestie and her family, which was great for Spencer- she had such a great time playing with the other kiddos.  It was great for us because we got to have a lot of girl time! Yesterday we played in the snow and made 3/4 of a snowman.  The girls got tired of being out in the cold so we had to go in.  We thought about finishing him late last night but we were all too tired.  Richmond is still currently under a blanket of white, with all of local schools still closed through tomorrow.  And if you can even imagine this- it's supposed to snow again this weekend!  This kinda weather is just CRAZY, but it makes for some great pictures.  Here are a few more of Spencer over the weekend.



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