Thursday, April 30, 2009

Books, Books, and More Books

Today I was perusing some Internet sales for Mother's Day, when I saw an ad/deal for the Kindle II. It sounded magical- over 250,000 books at your disposal, just $9.99 each. Of course the newspaper and magazine subscriptions just sweetened the pot, making it sound divine.

Spencer quickly noticed that my attention was not on her and I forgot about the Kindle until this evening. I was looking at my book shelves and thinking to myself how much I love real, actual books. Old, new, used, written in- I love them all. I have well over 500, the majority of which don't fit on my shelves. When my mom used to drag me to the mall as a kid, my one condition for behaving was that she had to let me go to the book store. N-E-R-D.

During college, when everyone else would sell back their books to the school, I kept ALL of mine. Yep, sitting on my bookshelf, making me look all scholarly and such, are gems like Aristotle's The Politics. Mind you, I HATED political philosophy, but there was no way I wasn't going to keep the book that made me think waaaaay to much about "civilized pursuits," factions, and ethical democracy. Every time I see it I smile, thinking to myself, "ha, I got the best of you, Ari! You couldn't beat me!"

I am terrible at all things math related, but where reading is concerned, it's the opposite. It used to take me one day to finish a fun book and two days for a make-me-smarter one. Nowadays I'm lucky to read a book in 2-3 weeks. It's rare that I can just sit down and read with no interruptions. But it doesn't stop me from trying! My friends always make fun of my because I never go anywhere without a book- I actually used to walk to the bus stop reading!

As much as the Kindle would be a lovely luxury, there's something I love about going to the book store, buying an actual book, and reading it. I like the sense of accomplishment I get when I've finished one and then placing it on my shelf. One day I might be ready for the Kindle, it's just not today, or at least not until it's in the real of being affordable to me. But to give you some perspective, it took me until 2007 to get an iPod.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New Nightime Nuances

Like that alliteration? haha. Lately, Spencer has developed some "different" bedtime behaviors. At first I thought they were cute, but now, not so much.

The first one is that she has started talking in her sleep. It's usually in the first 10-20 minutes and she says all sorts of things like "noonie" (her pacifier) "Gus" and "Mama." Sometimes it's just one word and others its a whole gibberish conversation. Of course this sounds super cute when I write it out, and it is, but she's starting to wake herself up now. She'll yell so loudly that she startles herself awake and then we have to start the whole bedtime process over again.

Spencer has also decided that while she likes to sleep with a noonie in her mouth, she also needs two or three in her hands, almost like a stuffed animal. She'll keep saying it over and over again, until she gets them in her hands. Then she switches them in and out of her mouth, in her semi-conscious state until she finally goes to sleep. Now this too sounds cute when I write it out, but I'm hard pressed to come up with four or five noonies at a time. I consider it a good day if I know where one is! They're like socks in the laundry.

As I'm writing this Spencer is snoring in the background, just to give you a little perspective. I'm also watching CSI:NY and it is SAD. Usually these procedural shows don't get to me, but anything about the Holocaust always does me in.

In other news, Spencer isn't feeling so well today. She's hoarse and has a runny nose, with a slight fever. Right now Tylenol is doing the trick, so that's good. This meant we couldn't go and see Sara and Lila, because I didn't want to risk getting Lila sick. Hopefully we'll be able to go on Friday and I'll get some adult time in for me!

I can't believe it's already the end of April! Where has the month gone?

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

On My Mind Today

It's still in the 90's today, but I think by Friday it's going to be a tad a cooler. So here's what's on my mind:
  • The Swine Flu. Why don't they call it the pig flu? Swine is just such a gross word.
  • When can the AC man stop by for a chat with my AC machine?
  • Bea Arthur. I love the Golden Girls. It's how I've always pictured my older years. Of course I was always Rose, but still... I'm sad about Dorothy.
  • Finding a new way to entertain Spencer. I'm afraid I'm out of ideas.
  • I hate telemarketers. No matter how many times I put myself on the Do Not Call List, they still call. Last night, one called at 9:07 pm and woke up Spencer.
  • I keep having these really vivid dreams. When I woke up this morning I thought my keys were lost because I had this very real dream about Spencer hiding them. But they were right where they should be.
  • I don't like changing really poopy diapers.
  • Kayleigh and Maddie.
  • We went McDonalds today and I got Spencer an ice cream sundae. Big Mistake to let her eat in in the car. MESS.
So not too much new with us today. Tomorrow we're going to hang out with Sara and Lila and I am VERY excited to see the both of them!!

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Monday, April 27, 2009


As I'm writing this, there is a fan blowing full blast into my face. It is 92 degrees and my AC stopped working. Of all the days for this to happen! Well, I guess I can be thankful that it didn't happen yesterday, when it was 95.

Spence has been playing in her little blow up pool. It now has about a month worth of my air inside of it. And apparently this is a very busy time of year for the AC people, as they're not sure when they'll be able to come out. Hopefully by Wednesday all will be restored. But let me tell you, we're not a pretty sight. Sweat streaks the pollen that clings like a fine mist to our skin. Spencer's cheeks are the color of ripe tomatoes (not from a burn, from being so hot).

I guess it's these little unexpected occurrences that make life so unique and exciting, but I'm missing my air conditioner!

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Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Helping Hand

So sad, please please pray for this sweet baby girl and her parents. Just click the button to go to their site.

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Friday, April 24, 2009

For the Birds

Stop taking pictures of me, seriously!

You are so annoying, Mom!

The bowl winds up on the floor.

Can't you just tell how annoyed she is with me? When I first saw the first picture, I had to do a double take because I thought she was flipping me the bird! Speaking of birds (nice segue way, huh?) I bought these adorable little ones at Joanne's for only $2 each! They were having a 40% of sale and I just had to have them.

Spencer's MiMi's birthday was yesterday and we are celebrating this weekend. I painted this silhouette of Spencer for her. Remember, I am NO artist any way shape or form, but I think it turned out pretty good!

On the throwing up status, she has already puked once this morning. After 20 minutes of her screaming her head off following said puke, I had to go to her. I just wiped her face and calmed her down and she fell asleep. I didn't talk to her or anything, but I guess I already broke the rules. I really don't think the doctor thought she would cry for that long though, 20 minutes of hysterical sobbing- a mother can only take so much!

Spencer's play ground (a swing and slide) is being put up this weekend and I am SO excited for that. Does anyone have any cool weekend plans? I've heard that it's going to be beautiful almost everywhere across the country for the next few days! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

My First Blog Award!

I got my first Blog Award today from Katie over at A LITTLE CRAZY & A LOT OF LOVE! I'm so glad my first bloggy award was about being a good mom, because sometimes I need that little bit of extra encouragement and today was one of those days, so thank you so much, Katie! (not me Katie, Katie who gave me the award!)

Rules for Mom of the Year Award:

(1) Admit one thing you feel awful about involving being a mom. Get it off your shoulders. Once you've written it down, you are No Longer allowed to feel bad. It's over with, it's in the past. Remember, you're a good mom!

I feel badly about so many things when it comes to being a mother, a new one pops up every day. But I guess the one that is always with me is I feel guilty that Spencer isn't ever going to have the typical (well I guess it's atypical nowadays) nuclear family like I had. I hate knowing that her father is going to let her down and that she might think it's her fault. It's a weird type of guilt because I wouldn't do anything differently, as it would mean that I wouldn't have Spencer just as she is. But it's always in the back of my mind.

2) Remind yourself you are a good mom, list seven things you love about your kids, you love doing with your kids, or that your kids love about you. These are the things to remind yourself everyday that you Rock!

  1. I love rocking Spencer to sleep every night, especially when she takes my face in her hands and gives me kisses.
  2. I love that when she gets hurt (I don't love that she gets hurt) I'm the only one she wants and only my kisses make it all better.
  3. I love that I've been able to stay at home with her these first few years of her life.
  4. I love teaching her something new and the light she gets in her eyes when she's figured it out for herself.
  5. I love that she loves animals as much as I do and I really love how she talks to them like they're humans who can understand her.
  6. I love how open minded I've become since being a mother.
  7. I love that she's all mine, my daughter, my little Spencer.
(3) Send this to five other Mom's Of The Year that deserve credit for being great moms and remind them that they are the best moms they can be!! Remember to send them a note to let them know you've selected them, and add a link to the person who nominated you.
Here you go ladies, I think you're all amazing moms and I love learning new things from you!

Hayley at Hayley n' Cade


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Doctor Knows Best

You would think that getting to the doctor by 10am would be no problem, but you'd be W-R-O-N-G! We made it on time, but only by the slimmest of nanosecond margins. Just as I was getting ready to leave, with plenty of time at 9:15, I realized that her stroller was in my mom's car. My mom had taken in when she watched Spencer last weekend and had forgotten to return it, or she put it "I had forgotten to take it back."

So my mom had to meet us at a half way point, because it's just not feasible to go to the doctor without her stroller. Then I realized my gas light was on and I am take-no-chances with gas kinda person. I've never run out of gas, but my mom did a few times when I was a kid and it always scared me to death- that we'd be stuck on the side of the road forever. This is why I always get gas as soon as I notice the light has come on.

Then there was not one parking space to be found and I circled and circled the lot waiting for a space to become available. I almost parked in a "non-parking space" but luckily I saw a girl backing up before the Mercedes saw it and I got to park!

The doctor saw us right away and he spent almost 30 minutes with us, which I thought was really nice. Basically he said that it was all part of her temper tantrum process and that's quite common. Unfortunately, it's one of the worst habits to break someone of and the grossest. That because it's easy for her to throw up combined with the result it always produces (I pick her up, soothe her and bathe her) she's using it to her advantage. He said she wasn't necessarily doing it on purpose, but that when she realizes she might throw up, she does nothing to stop it.

So the next time it happens I'm supposed to ignore her until she stops crying. Once she's stopped having a fit I can clean her up but I'm to act as though I'm just changing her clothes- not cleaning up puke because of her temper tantrum. He said I need to ignore all temper tantrum acts and when it's over, act as though nothing has happened. It's attention seeking behavior and any reaction, good or bad, has the desired effect she's seeking. When she's well behaved I'm to reward her and tell her how great she's being- repetitive reinforcement of positive behavior.

I can't tell you how hard this is going to be for me! I understand that it's necessary to break her of some of the bad habits she's developed, but I know that it's going to be very difficult for me to ignore her when she's acting out. My thoughts are generally "if I just love on her enough she'll stop doing this," but obviously that hasn't worked thus far, so I guess it's time to try something new.

She has a runny nose today and last night she had a few blow out diapers, so today is a rest day for her. The temperature has dramatically gone up and down here these last few days and I think that's what's causing it. Tuesday it was almost 80 degrees, yesterday was in the 40-50's, today is 70+, and this weekend is supposed to be in the 90's.

I really appreciate all the good thoughts and wishes about our little barfy problem! Let's hope this new method works without either of us going crazy!

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Off to the Doctor We Go

So after Spencer threw up again last night- this time after crying for less than 15 seconds, I decided to call the doctor today. I talked to the nurse and she thought it would be a good idea for Spencer to be seen by her doctor tomorrow.

The nurse seems to think that there might be some acid reflux component to it. That would make sense, because she had really bad reflux for her first two months of life. After Spencer would eat, I'd have to keep her sitting up for 30 minutes, or else she'd spit up her entire meal. The doctors said that was all part of her preemieness, and as she got older her esophagus would be stronger and have an easier time closing and staying shut. And they were right, around month two of her earthly life she stopped spitting up and I didn't have to stay up an extra half hour at 3am.

I would LOVE it if there's some medicine out there that could make it more difficult for Spencer to puke up all the contents of her stomach. I'm thinking that because it's so easy for her to throw up, that's why it keeps happening so frequently. So we have an appointment tomorrow morning and I'm hoping all will be restored to normal.

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Progress Report on 27 Things in My 27th Year

On my 27th birthday I made this list of 27 things I wanted to do in my 27th year. Well today is April 22, Earth Day, but also my 27 and 1/2 Birthday. This means I only have 6 more months to accomplish the things I wanted to do. If it's in red, that means I've already do it.

  1. Run/walk in a 5k for charity
  2. Take a photography class
  3. Fix my friendships with L and B
  4. Reduce my carbon footprint from 9co^2 tons/yr to 7co^2 tons/yr
  5. Plant a tree
  6. Do Kareoke at a real place, not just at a house- should be VERY funny
  7. Stop being afraid of letting everyone down again and have a little faith in me
  8. Convert my my old VHS collection to DVD
  9. Archive all my photographs (I'm about half way done now)
  10. Exercise (But I still need to do more)
  11. Go with Baby to Mommy and Me, or something like it
  12. Send out Holiday cards
  13. Use the coupons that I diligently cut out every week instead of letting them sit organized in my filofax for 6 months
  14. Start graduate school application process- either for nursing or teaching or both
  15. Pay at least $100 on the principal of my charge cards - I only have two
  16. Create a "Rainy Day" fund for emergencies
  17. Make side by side hand prints in cement with Baby
  18. Learn how to make one meal, that's not breakfast, really well
  19. Save up for a Spa Day with Sara- B can watch the young folk (I did get a massage)
  20. Go to a museum
  21. Prevent wrinkles
  22. Start Baby's quilt of her baby clothes (I have all the clothes I'm going to use already picked out)
  23. Attempt to figure out what it is that I actually believe in- faith wise- so that I can teach it to Baby (Actively working on it!)
  24. Read at least two books of substance
  25. Go to a psychic or a fortune teller or a qi reader or an aura person
  26. Drink some Carolina Blond out of my Green Leafe Mug, at the Green Leafe, on Mug Night
  27. Don't take one minute of my time with Baby for granted- or the rest of my family
So I've done 10 and am half way done with four. Not too bad, but certainly not great. I think the next thing I'm going to do is the side by side hand prints of our hands. I also really want to take a photography class.

Does anyone else have a list like this? If so, how far along are you in it?

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Planet Earth

Virginia, the state, is a lot of wonderful things, but for a long time we were not what you'd call "Green." I was rarely concerned with keeping the planet beautiful and safe because it just wasn't an issue that came up a lot. For me this changed when I met my freshman roommate, a Oregonian who was often appalled by my tendency to throw things away rather than recycle them.

She set an excellent example for me, showing just how easy it was to do small things that would help in the long run. I'm still not what you'd call an avid environmentalist, but I do try to do my part. At one of my jobs I created a recycling program that they still use, and the first day it started we had over 1000lbs of paper, that would have been thrown away, going to be recycled.

Last year I bought a book called Gorgeously Green and I really recommend to anyone who wants to try and live a "greener" lifestyle without sacrificing too much of life's comforts. Realistically speaking/writing, there are some things that I will never be able to do, like equip my house with solar panels (unless I win the lottery), but I can change all of my light bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs, which I have done. They use 2/3 as much energy and last 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs.

Here are some other easy ways that can help start you on living your life in an Earth conscious manner.

  • Bringing reusable grocery bags with you to the store so you don't need the paper or plastic bags they give you. I have some really cute ones that I got as a present, and they were only $6 and they're adorable! But most stores have them for sale for $.99
  • Stop receiving junk mail by registering with Green Dimes.
  • Cut down on water use by: replacing shower heads with water saving models. I have one and the water pressure feels the same, I wouldn't know it was saving water if I hadn't bought it myself. Water your lawn in the morning or evening to cut down on water lost to evaporation. When it's time to replace your washing machine, consider buying one that's Energy Efficient. They're a little more expensive, but you get a tax deduction AND you'll save money in the long run.
  • Keep your thermostat set to 68 degrees in the winter. In the summer, keep your curtains and blinds shut to keep out some of the hot sunlight.
  • Carpool to work if you can and roll down the windows instead of using the AC.
  • Have your home heating and cooling system serviced every year. They often find leaks that would end up costing a fortune if gone unnoticed.
  • Calculate your carbon footprint and see which areas you could improve in.
  • Buy local produce and try to eat organic meat
  • Eco-Friendly cleaning products: Mix lemon juice and baking soda for an all-purpose cleaner and use Borax to clean your shower. The Borax works amazingly well!

Some more extreme ones that I don't do, but wouldn't be all that difficult are:
  • Reuse bath water on your plants
  • Follow the old adage "If it's brown flush it down, if it's yellow let it mellow." (Can't do this with small children who find toilet water fascinating!)
  • Buy a hybrid car or one that's fuel efficient (I do plan on doing this with my next car)
  • Cloth Diapers
  • Lower your water heater to 120 degrees
Obviously you don't have to do all of these things, but if you just pick a few, you'll be making a significant difference. I hope everyone is having a great Earth Day and is enjoying all that Mother Nature has to offer!

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The List

I was going through some of my old college disks yesterday, trying to put the data on CD's, when I stumbled on the funniest thing. It was a list I made throughout all four years of school, called "My Perfect Man." Every time I thought of something I liked, or didn't like, I would add it to my list. There is an obvious progression in taste and maturity, but some of things I wrote down were just laugh out loud funny.

I'm going to post a few of them today, maybe more tomorrow, if I can ever get over the embarrassment of having actually thought that was what I wanted in a man or having actually thought that one might do some of those things.

  • Lets me watch Felicity, even when it conflicts with a sporting event (obviously the days before DVRs)
  • Will buy me tampons without griping
  • Does NOT wear seersucker or linen, unless we are super rich and in the Hamptons, or pop his collar when wearing polo shirts
  • Does NOT wear saggy pants with exposed underwear
  • Enjoys a good debate/argument without getting nasty
  • Mows the lawn
  • Doesn't expect his son be a Jr., because that's never going to happen
  • Cries at appropriate times, but isn't a cry baby
  • Plays the guitar or another comparable instrument
  • Does NOT hit on my friends
The sad thing about my list, is that these are the least embarrassing things I wanted in a guy! The majority of my likes and dislikes came from things I had experienced with past boyfriends. If they did something I liked, I put it on the list as something I wanted in the future. After we'd end things, I think of everything I didn't like and put it on the list.

At the top I wrote "Any potential mate must be in compliance with at least 70%." Let me just say, if any man could ever meet this 70% requirement, he'd have to be genetically engineered- or a robot! What's even more comical, is that I never, not even once, used this list as some sort of guideline in my dating choices. It just made me feel better to know that "one day" I would have high standards.

What are some embarrassing things you used to think you wanted in a potential life partner? Are any of them as ridiculous or as shallow as the things on my list? Youth is such a funny thing!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Help Please

I have a problem and I need some help/advice! Spencer is going through this phase where she starts throwing up when she cries. In the last three days she's done it 4 times. FOUR TIMES.

She's not sick or running a fever, I'm positive of that. If she cries for more than one minute, I can pretty much guarantee she's going to throw up. I know she's doing it on purpose, because she stands there and opens her mouth and she tries to start gagging herself!

She went through a similar stage about 6 months ago, but it was nothing like this. She'd have to be crying for 5+ minutes before she'd make herself get sick and she never tried to gag herself on purpose. The problem, besides the obvious mommy guilt and mess, is that she automatically gets her way after she throws up.

Dr. Sears says "Highly sensitive and deep-feeling children seem most inclined to throw extreme tantrums," including, but not limited to, self-induced vomiting. His advice is to hold her until she calms down, but that doesn't really help me. Today when she made herself sick, I had just put her in time out for hitting me. Picking her up and holding her would only defeat the purpose of the time out, right?

So if any of you have some advice, I'm all ears, or eyes, in this case! I hate that gets herself so worked up to the point of puking. I am now open for suggestions!

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Weekend Update

We had such a great weekend! Saturday morning Lex and Brandi picked me up and they got to meet Spencer, which was so nice. Luckily she was on her A game, and it was really great to see them with my babe. I always miss her so much when I'm away from her, but she didn't cry when I left, so that was very helpful to my departure process!

Besides the friendship component of our relationship, one of the best parts is that I learn so much from them. They are so smart and whenever we talk I always leave a bit more enlightened and tad more intellectual!.

After we got to Williamsburg, we immediately went to The Cheese Shop for lunch. They have the best sandwiches and even though you have to wait an eternity in line, it's worth it! Then we walked around campus reminiscing about the old days. It was such a beautiful afternoon, the weather was perfect.
We went back to the Kappa House, where we all used to live together, and we sat on the front porch and swung on our old swing. The girls living there now let us walk through the house. They've done a lot of remodeling, but it still felt like our old home.

One of the best things about the Kappa house is the gorgeous garden that they have. There are always visitors and tourists walking through it because it's open to all and it's just beautiful!

We sat and talked and people watched for a long time. I can't explain how nice it was to be with them on our old stomping grounds! We've hit some rough patches over the years, but no matter what, I know that we share an unbreakable bond. There aren't many friends who share this and I think I'm incredibly lucky to have them- my suitiekins!

The rest of the day was filled with getting the hotel room, more gabbing, and a late night dinner. The Green Leafe looks like it might be a hole in the wall, but it's anything but. They have delicious food and over 100 different types of beer. Their motto is "Good Food, Good Beer, Good People, Bad Parking." I hadn't been there since before Spencer was born, so it was really great to go back!

We went to Morton, the academic building I spent 75% of all my W&M time in. It's so ugly it's beautiful! We talked, took pictures, and toasted the greatness that is Morton Hall.

The inside of Morton. Part of the architectural genius of the 1970's!

On Sunday we took another walk and ate quick breakfast before we had drive back home. As we passed familiar landmarks, old memories flooded us.

This is a church that Lexie, for years, thought was haunted. At night you could see an eerie red glow through the window atop the door. Come to find out, the haunted ghost was just an EXIT sign. Book smarts does not always translated into street smarts, haha!
The source of many of my many parking tickets! The city of Williamsburg benefited a lot from my parking problems.

Our self portrait!

It was a quick trip, but one that I seriously needed. Well, except for the two huge blisters I got on the soles of my feet! But besides that, it was wonderful to be back with my Sisters. One day, we all plan to retire to the 'Burg, living out our feeble years together! Thank you Lexie and Brandi for an amazing weekend, I love you, ladies!

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Friday, April 17, 2009

William & Mary Weekend

The Princeton Review once said of William and Mary, my alma mater, that it's "where fun goes to die." And I don't know why, but for some reason that makes me really proud! With the exception of Spencer, graduating from W&M is my most proud accomplishment.

Kappas on Graduation Day 2004

Just received my Diploma, which was written entirely in Latin!  

William and Mary diplomas are written in Latin because we are BIG on tradition and that's how it was done back in 1693.  In the Colonial days of yore, English was still considered "vulgar" and "common;" Latin was the language of the scholars.  It all goes back to the real days of Roman yore, when Latin was the language that united all the learned folk throughout Europe.  Diplomas were written in Latin, the common language of all the educated elite,  as a means of ensuring that your qualified status would be recognized no matter where you were.  

Here are a few fast W&M facts:
  • Founded in 1693, it's the Nation's 2nd oldest University
  • Located in historic Williamsburg, VA
  • Ranked #32 out of all the colleges and universities, public and private
  • Ranked #3 out all public colleges and universities
  • Ranked #1 in Best Value Colleges
  • Ranked #1 for Best Small Colleges and Universities
  • The average GPA of an accepted applicant is 4.0
  • The average SAT 25%-75% score is 1250-1450
  • The average Writing SAT score is 620-710
  • They accept only 30% of all their applicants
  • Home of the first Honor Code- and let me tell you, it's strict!
  • Undergraduate Enrollment is 5,850
  • Average GPA of a graduating senior- 2.7 (mine was 3.2)
  • Founder of the first Honors Society, Phi Beta Kappa
  • Famous Graduates include, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, John Tyler, Henry Clay, John Marshall, John Stewart, Glenn Close, Mike Tomlin, Bill Lawrence (Scrubs creator and writer), Perry Ellis, and Michael K. Powell

W&M gets a lot of flack for having geeky students who spend Friday nights in the library. You would spend a lot of nights in the library, too, if you were told on day one that "C is the new A." And while I spent many a Friday night studying, I also had the best college experience I could've ever hoped to have. I made the best friends, both from my freshman hall and my sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma. I learned so much while being there and I got to meet (meaning I spoke to them and they spoke back to me) fascinating people, including Henry Kissenger and Margaret Thatcher.

Statue of Lord Botetourt. You always rub his shoe before a big test or final.
So why am I telling you all this today? Because I'm going there tomorrow!! It's been over two years since I've been back and tomorrow I'm going with my sorority sisters, Alexis and Brandi. I can't tell you how excited I am. My mom is watching the kiddo for the night while we play around the 'Burg. The weather is supposed to be sunny and in the 70's, a perfect Williamsburg day.

Graduation, Lexie, Brandi, Me

I plan on taking many, many pictures of my old stomping ground, so be prepared. Do ya'll have any fun weekend plans?

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Tea Baggers

*UPDATE* Chuck Norris announces on the radio that he would like to be the President of Texas, should the secede from the Union. He said "I may run for president of Texas,” Norris wrote Monday in a column posted at WorldNetDaily. “That need may be a reality sooner than we think. If not me, someone someday may again be running for president of the Lone Star state, if the state of the union continues to turn into the enemy of the state.”

I try not to talk about politics too much on here, because for many people, it's a touchy subject- especially during this time of economic hardship. But today I'm not going to try to avoid stepping on toes. I just read about the most appalling words the Governor of Texas said yesterday while at a Tax Day Tea Party.

At one the parties, Governor Rick Perry said to the crowd, "I'm just not real sure you're a bunch of right-wing extremists. But if you are, we're with you." He said this as the crowd chanted "Secede" over and over again in the background.

I can't tell you how disgusted that makes me. I expect fringe groups to make claims of secession, but not from the Governor of Texas, who is conveniently up for reelection this year and also has his eye on the 2012 ticket. What makes it all the more troubling, is that he said this on the heel of of a report released by the Department of Homeland Security that contends right-wing extremist groups may be using the recession and the election of the nation's first African-American president to recruit members.

Defined, "Right Wing Extremists are typically those who believe in an ideology which is hostile to the constitution and mostly contemptuous of human life. They are often recognized by their hostility towards minorities and violence directed against minorities only because of their ethnic origin." So I'm a bit confused why Governor Perry would include himself, and his fellow Conservatives, in this group.

I certainly don't think that regular Conservative Republicans are RWE, and don't think RWE think regular Conservative Republicans are RWE. It's hard for me fathom that a popularly elected Governor of the second largest state in the Union would lump himself and many others, in a group who's heros include Adolf Hitler, Augusto Pinochet, Timothy McVeigh, and David Duke - just to name a few!

Later on in the day, when a reporter asked if Texas might actually consider seceding from the Union, he replied, "if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that."

Now don't me get wrong, I do believe in States' Rights, it's part of the fundamental check and balance process that keeps our government from swinging too far in any direction. I don't think that States' Rights means Governors' Rights. In addition to Perry, the Governors of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alaska, and South Carolina have all rejected huge portions of the Federal Stimulus money meant to help struggling local economies and create more employment opportunities. I believe this is wrong; in my opinion that kind of decision needs to be made by the respective state legislatures- the voice of the citizens. If they decide not to accept it, that's fine, but at least it wasn't the decision of one person, who most likely has visions of being on the Republican Presidential ticket in 2012, i.e., Sarah Palin, Bobby Jindal, and Rick Perry.

One of the reasons I majored in Government was that I loved the idea of differing opinions and ideologies coming together to make decisions that would steadily improve quality of life, be that in homeland security, education, health care, or commerce. Even though you might disagree on every level of the political process, everyone shared the common goal of doing what was best for the nation. Yes, that sounds a but idealistic, but I really believe it. That's why this makes me so mad!! By giving any kind of proper acknowledgement to a group that's openly derisive towards everyone who's not "just like them," he's done nothing but give them political legitimacy. And the idea of a Texas secession is just crazy, it's never going to happen, and even entertaining the notion of it shows how he is willing to cut off his nose to spit his face (Texas).

Wow, I feel a lot better now that I've gotten that of my chest! Don't worry, this won't be a regular occurrence, my heart is pounding just thinking about clicking that Publish Post button. If you passionately disagree with this, I'd love to hear why. I like understanding every side of the coin and being able to understand and accept differing opinions is all part of the process of self-improvement.

And P.S.- why do yesterdays protesters and organizers keep referring to themselves, and the other attendees of the Tax Day Tea Party, as Tea-Baggers and that by attending a TDTP you were Teabagging? Do they not know what that means? They showed a picture on MNSBC of a little boy wearing a shirt that said "I'm Teabagging," and when I saw it, I almost spit my diet coke out of my mouth, I was laughing so hard. Well, if they don't know, someone might want to give them a little heads up on what Teabagging is.

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Freckled Relics

Meet Strawberry Shortcake, Internet. I've had this plate since I was a little girl and it's my all time favorite. Where I go, she follows. This may sound strange, but it's one of the only "artifacts" that survived my childhood intact. Through a combination of forgetfulness, scissors (for cutting dolls hair), drowning (for when my toys would accompany me in the bathtub) moving a few times, yard sales, and moths, I only have a few of my toddler/childhood possessions.

I have a Big Bird chair that Spencer now sits in, my stuffed dog animal (no, I don't sleep with it), and my plate. Obviously I outgrew the chair, and it would be a little sad if I still slept with a stuffed animal, but Strawberry Shortcake is still perfectly acceptable! But it's not just a plate for me, SS was one of my favorite characters because she had freckles. You see, I had (have) a ton of freckles. As I've gotten older they've faded a bit. but I still have about 5 times more than the average person.
Spencer with my Mr. Big Bird chair last summer.

I hated my freckles from the moment I knew I had them and most of the other kids didn't. I hated being called Freckle Face and Dot Face- which happened every day. Kids can be really cruel, and I soon began trying to find ways to remove them. When I was three, my mom found me trying to scratch off the freckles on my arm. She tried to tell me they were cute and that I would look funny if I didn't have them on my face. But there was nothing she could say that made me feel better.

For some reason my freckles aren't showing up very well in old pictures of myself, but if you look at the larger version, you can see them a little bit better.
Realizing she needed a new strategy, my mom went about finding famous freckles. This was how I came to love Strawberry Shortcake even more than I already did! Of course Punky Brewster helped out a lot too- I L.O.V.E.D Punky Brewster and that's how I got my nickname, Punkiepie. I was always hearing how much we looked alike and that I could be her little sister, which made me feel super cool! It may sound insignificant, but it really helped me to know that even though they had freckles, everybody liked SS and PB.
It took me a long time, a long long long long time for me to call a freckle truce. And looking back on those years when I was made fun of teasing, I realize that it actually made me a much better person. I have a lot of faults, but one thing that I'm proud about myself, is that I've never made fun of someone. When I was in 2nd grade, we had a new student from Scotland in our class, and the kids were just awful to him. I don't know why he ever came back to that school after his first day, but he did, and I became his only friend. I defended him until my classmates stopped their taunting but we stayed friends even after it wasn't a necessity. When his family eventually moved back to Scotland, he gave me his most valuable stamp from his collection (yes, I had/have a stamp collection, and no I wasn't a dork) and a kiss on the cheek (my first).

Freckles are certainly not the worst affliction for a child, and looking back, I realize I should be grateful for that. So that's why I still keep SS around, even though she is 25 years old (I got it as a present on my 2nd Birthday). From the ages of 3-5, it was the only plate I'd eat off of, which makes it all the more amazing that it survived me, especially considering that there used to be a matching cup and bowl that didn't make it!

Look at all those freckles! I was 23 here, and this was the last year of my life that I actively sought out to become tan. The next summer I started using self-tanner or I went and got a spray on tan. Now, I'm pretty much just embracing the pale!
So what about you, do you still have anything left from your little kid years that you use? And what made it worth saving all these years?

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