The first one is that she has started talking in her sleep. It's usually in the first 10-20 minutes and she says all sorts of things like "noonie" (her pacifier) "Gus" and "Mama." Sometimes it's just one word and others its a whole gibberish conversation. Of course this sounds super cute when I write it out, and it is, but she's starting to wake herself up now. She'll yell so loudly that she startles herself awake and then we have to start the whole bedtime process over again.
Spencer has also decided that while she likes to sleep with a noonie in her mouth, she also needs two or three in her hands, almost like a stuffed animal. She'll keep saying it over and over again, until she gets them in her hands. Then she switches them in and out of her mouth, in her semi-conscious state until she finally goes to sleep. Now this too sounds cute when I write it out, but I'm hard pressed to come up with four or five noonies at a time. I consider it a good day if I know where one is! They're like socks in the laundry.
As I'm writing this Spencer is snoring in the background, just to give you a little perspective. I'm also watching CSI:NY and it is SAD. Usually these procedural shows don't get to me, but anything about the Holocaust always does me in.
In other news, Spencer isn't feeling so well today. She's hoarse and has a runny nose, with a slight fever. Right now Tylenol is doing the trick, so that's good. This meant we couldn't go and see Sara and Lila, because I didn't want to risk getting Lila sick. Hopefully we'll be able to go on Friday and I'll get some adult time in for me!
I can't believe it's already the end of April! Where has the month gone?
I have a theory that there's a Paci Troll. He's in cahoots with the Sock Demon. They're going to take over the world.
Can I just tell you that I LOVE Chris O'Donnell, still? Circle of Friends is one of my favorites just because of his glorious presence.
Hope her little bug goes away without worsening and that you get adult time that doesn't involve a computer! (I need some myself.)
All the habits start out cute don't they? Then something happens and they are just annoying.
When I used to nurse Bradley when he was a baby he would rub my arm and arm pit. Thought that was cute and bonding. Well the nursing has been gone since he was 9 months old, he's almost 6 and he still does it...ANNOYING!!!
You are such a sweet mommy!!
Hope my cyber niece feels better soon!! Sounds like her mommy needs some Katie time.
Henry still talks in his sleep sometimes...but so do I!
I hope that she feels better soon!!
I love your blog, your humor and your honesty...I've added you to my sidebar! Hubby told me a few months ago that he hopes we get a baby girl with dark hair and blue eyes...we are adopting so we'll have to wait and see!
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