Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Progress Report on 27 Things in My 27th Year

On my 27th birthday I made this list of 27 things I wanted to do in my 27th year. Well today is April 22, Earth Day, but also my 27 and 1/2 Birthday. This means I only have 6 more months to accomplish the things I wanted to do. If it's in red, that means I've already do it.

  1. Run/walk in a 5k for charity
  2. Take a photography class
  3. Fix my friendships with L and B
  4. Reduce my carbon footprint from 9co^2 tons/yr to 7co^2 tons/yr
  5. Plant a tree
  6. Do Kareoke at a real place, not just at a house- should be VERY funny
  7. Stop being afraid of letting everyone down again and have a little faith in me
  8. Convert my my old VHS collection to DVD
  9. Archive all my photographs (I'm about half way done now)
  10. Exercise (But I still need to do more)
  11. Go with Baby to Mommy and Me, or something like it
  12. Send out Holiday cards
  13. Use the coupons that I diligently cut out every week instead of letting them sit organized in my filofax for 6 months
  14. Start graduate school application process- either for nursing or teaching or both
  15. Pay at least $100 on the principal of my charge cards - I only have two
  16. Create a "Rainy Day" fund for emergencies
  17. Make side by side hand prints in cement with Baby
  18. Learn how to make one meal, that's not breakfast, really well
  19. Save up for a Spa Day with Sara- B can watch the young folk (I did get a massage)
  20. Go to a museum
  21. Prevent wrinkles
  22. Start Baby's quilt of her baby clothes (I have all the clothes I'm going to use already picked out)
  23. Attempt to figure out what it is that I actually believe in- faith wise- so that I can teach it to Baby (Actively working on it!)
  24. Read at least two books of substance
  25. Go to a psychic or a fortune teller or a qi reader or an aura person
  26. Drink some Carolina Blond out of my Green Leafe Mug, at the Green Leafe, on Mug Night
  27. Don't take one minute of my time with Baby for granted- or the rest of my family
So I've done 10 and am half way done with four. Not too bad, but certainly not great. I think the next thing I'm going to do is the side by side hand prints of our hands. I also really want to take a photography class.

Does anyone else have a list like this? If so, how far along are you in it?

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Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Oh goodness. You are good with the lists!

I am not nearly this organized or driven.... though I wish I were!

Sarah @ said...

Oh, I am so far behind on my list it's pathetic. But at least one of my numbered items was "don't get too caught up in this list. Life is for the livign."

I figure that cuts me some slack. Right?

I really like some of the ideas on your list. Maybe I'll steal them and add them to mine...

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