Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Spencer and Lila
Little Katie and Little Sara

(Circa 1996)


How did they (and we) grow up so fast?

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Black Hole

I was looking at the camera roll on my phone tonight when I discovered these gems that I'd never seen before.  I found quite a few, all just like the ones below.  (There were about 30)  Before I get to the next part- I need to preface this- Spencer has broken every single cell phone I've had since she was born.  Every.  Single.  One.  (Plus two computers and many other electronics)  Okay, so when I got my new phone two weeks ago, I became the meanest mommy on the planet and said she couldn't play with it.  I didn't even download Angry Birds because I knew if she saw it, or saw me playing it, I would never be able to keep my phone out of her hands.

Which brings me to tonight when I found on it an extensive photo-docudrama of me hunting through my purse, aka, the black hole, for who-knows-what.

The search begins...  I look relatively calm.

                                                                    Still can't find it. Starting to look annoyed.

 And, I still can't find it.  I'm looking quite determined now.

 At last, I found the coveted object!  
I know it looks like I'm looking at the camera, or at least that I should have been aware that "someone" was taking a picture(s) of me, but I really didn't.  I have absolutely no recollection of this entire episode of events.  Which is actually kinda frightening... so I won't think about that part.

So when I got to this picture of me on the camera roll, I stopped for a minute and laughed and tried to figure out when it was and what I was searching for.  Then I swiped my finger across the phone's screen to see what picture was going to pop up next.  To my "surprise," the very next photo was a self-portrait of the guilty party! 

And who do you think should appear?  

The culprit:

Miss Spencer.

I'm not sure how she got my phone and I'm not sure how I didn't notice her taking a zillion pictures of me.  When I asked her about it, she said "Huh?  What did you say?" and then she repeated it each time I asked her, all the while laughing harder and harder.  It was ridiculously cute.  Clearly, I need to watch either my phone or Spencer more carefully.  (Kidding!) 

All of this brings me to my final thought:  Apple needs to make a kid-friendly, indestructible, unbreakable, waterproof iPhone/iTouch/iPad.  It would be a best seller, I guarantee it!