Friday, November 19, 2010


The other day Spencer and I were in the car driving to school when I realized that I forgot her tuition check at home.  I told her what I had done and that we needed to turn around and go get it.  She looked at me and said, "Seriously?"

I about died right there. 

And then she said "Ugh, alright."

It's like she's 3 going on 13.

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Friday, November 5, 2010

The Swing of Things

I'm not sure why blogging is so difficult for me these days, but I can't stand that I haven't written anything for three weeks!  Three weeks!  They've been a busy three weeks, that's for sure: I turned 29, my dad had his birthday, Halloween, Election Day, and various other life events.  Me turning 29 is a whole post alone, so I will start with Halloween.

Spencer wanted to be a princess.  I did not want Spencer to be a princess.  I tried to show her other costumes, but she was insistent that she had to be a PRINCESS.  In my attempts to not stifle her and impose my will on her for frivolous things, I gave up my quest for her to be something else. 

On Sunday night we went over to Sara's house and met up with another family that we are friends with that has a daughter Spencer's age.  There were a few hiccups and minor meltdowns along the way, but they had a blast.  This was the first year that we've gone to stranger's houses.  I've always just driven her around to people that we knew.  So this was a new experience for the both of us.  Spencer was not in the most cooperative picture mood and I didn't get that many good pictures of her, which was a bummer.  But I got a few.


This last picture was at the end of the night and Spencer's friend wasn't ready for the festivities to be over, so Spencer tried to comfort her!  It was a seriously super cute moment.  You can't tell in these pictures, but Spencer's dress actually had little lights throughout it. She thought it was pretty fantastic.

I am going to do my best to get back into the swing of things around here!  I promise.

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