This is what our weather forecast looks like in Richmond for the next seven days.
Do you see it? It's 64 degrees today here in Richmond- practically balmy. And on Friday it's supposed to snow! The high is 38- how does that happen? Do you see that low? Twenty degrees, and that's in Fahrenheit folks! Last night we had the weirdest weather, with incredible gusts of wind with hail and rain, and temperatures in 50-60's. Today is bright and sunny and then all of a sudden a large cloud will pass and it will rain for like one to two minutes.
I rarely get sick from catching something from someone else. In fact, it's only happened once in three years (the awful H1N1) and twice in eight years. But the two things that always get to my immune system are severe changes in weather and stress. Without fail, every time there is a drastic change in the temperature, my body lets me know that she's not pleased. So lets hope that doesn't happen this week! The only thing worse than being sick, is being sick when you have a small child.
Back to the weather. We usually have cold winters in January- nothing like it used to be in Minnesota, but still very cold. This has been the craziest month for us here. Just two weeks ago we were having highs in the low 20's and lows in teens to single digits. That just doesn't happen in central Virginia. And then today we're in the springtime, tomorrow it's back to the winter, and Friday there's getting a snow storm. It's like we're in the movie The Day After Tomorrow.
This winter has been crazy... I am ready for spring for sure!
Yuck, I hope they are wrong!
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