Please pray for my friend Todd, his wife Wendy and their little boy Robby! Wendy went into the hospital last Saturday with pre-eclampsia and they are delivering their son tonight at 5pm; she is only 25 weeks along and he weighs only an estimated 1lb 5oz. Please pray that baby Robby is at least 1lb 6oz, as this is the weight the doctors have told them that he needs to be in order to survive. Todd is my best friend, Sara's, little brother and the son of my pastor. This is their first child and they are just devastated. You can check their
CaringBridge site for info and updates.
Also, if you have a few minutes, leave a message on their page- they really need the encouragement, or ask anyone you know to be praying. Todd and Wendy are wonderful people and they believe in the power of prayer. Thank you all SO much
Praying <3
Praying too :(
Oh my gosh :( I'm so sorry! I am definitely praying, and I also left them a message on their site.
I believe in the power of prayer! Keep us posted.
My good thoughts are on their way!
break my heart....i am praying!!!
I am praying for them, how sad!
I'll be praying - thanks for the Caring Bridge link. I'll head over there now.
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