Friday, October 17, 2008

Election Signs

The above sign is my own President Endorsement!

I live in a neighborhood that is very conservative. I also live in a county that is either the first or second most conservative county in the state. Each November the election signs come out full swing, about 95% Republican and 5% Democrat, with my neighborhood about 98% to 2%.

However, things are different this year. The splits are still the same, but the volume has decreased. In 2000, I would say that of the 300 homes, 75% of my neighborhood had some sort of political sign up in the front yard. Today I drove around trying to find the signs and I only saw three!! And these three signs weren't endorsing a President, but our local Congressman, Eric Cantor-R. Not one President sign in a neighborhood that used to be teeming with them, sometimes 2-3 to a house.

As I was driving Baby to the doctor, I noticed that this phenomenon wasn't limited to my neighborhood, it was the whole county. There were a few Obama/Biden signs, but more McCain/Palin and even more Eric Cantor signs. In an election that is this contentious and critically important to our country's future, I had expected a full on onslaught of McCain propaganda.

I can only assume that people in this county are feeling much like I do; they know they have to make a decision, but because it's such a close call, they don't want to publicly endorse or announce it. Or maybe it's because they realize that because people feel so strongly about these candidates, they don't want to offend anyone. I doubt that's the case, as they didn't have any problem offending anyone eight and four years ago, but it's still a option. If I hadn't lived here my whole life, I would likely assume that this area is politically apathetic, but I know that's NOT the case. This area is very politically active and the exact opposite of apathetic.

So I've concluded that the lack of signage is actually a good thing, a politically conscious choice rather than a forgotten afterthought. Personally, I am having such a difficult time making my decision and no sign in a front yard or business is going to sway my opinion. The pressure I feel regarding my ballot is like nothing I've ever experienced, because VA hasn't gone Democrat since 1964. My vote was largely symbolic- beyond my civic duty, it wasn't really needed. Now that it seems Obama is ahead in the VA polls, for the first time in my voting history, who I vote for might actually determine who is going to be the next President. This might sound a bit drama queeny, but it's how I feel. No one in my family wants to vote this year because they can't make up their mind and knowing how important each vote is, they don't want to make the wrong choice.

While I'm still undecided, it gives me comfort that a lot of other people are feeling the same way. I hope that they don't decide not to vote, because that's worse than making a wrong choice. I get really annoyed by people who like to be critical of the government but then say that they didn't vote. So my new political slogan is Vote! Or Get Off the Pot!


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