Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Endless Summer

The last few days (and nights) I've been lost in a sea of human anatomy.  I was supposed to take my final on Saturday, but do not the testing center's incompetency,  they overbooked the spots and had to send three of us home.  I had gotten myself all psyched up to take the exam and be done with it, only to have the wind knocked out of my sails in the form of "an extra two days to study."  That was how the testing center tried to positively spin their screw up: it did not spin me.

I have this problem with details- when there are too many, I start to miss the big picture and focus on the minutiae.  But I know this about myself and that's why I like to write a paper the night before it's due- if I give myself too many days, I'll just keep over thinking and re-writing it until the last minute.  So with these two extra days to study, on top of the last few days before that I'd spent studying, I started to go to the "bad place."  The cards were just not in my favor to avoid it.  We had over 350 slides and another hundred pages of labeling diagrams that were fair game for the final with NO study guide!  Not even an outline of things "to know."  With that much information, I really need some kind of reference to keep me from obsessing about everything that I don't know, especially if it's not even going to be mentioned on the test.

Can you tell that I feeling kinda "all work and no play makes " Katie a dull girl? haha! But I'm very happy that it's over now and I can relax for at least a day or two.  I think I would have done better if I'd taken it on Saturday, but there's nothing I can do about that- hopefully I did okay.  I have my sociology final next Monday night and then I'm done.

One of my favorite things about going to school is that it makes summer so much sweeter.  Whenever I think about the summers of my teenage and college years, the soundtrack in my mind is always "These Are the Days" by Van Morrison.  My favorite lyrics are:
These are the days of the endless summer
These are the days, the time is now
There is no past, there's only future
There's only here, there's only now...

These are the days now that we must savour
And we must enjoy as we can
These are the days that will last forever
You've got to hold them in your heart.

The old feelings of anticipations are starting to come back- it makes me feel young again.  I am ready for my endless summer.

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Sarah @ Preaching In Pumps said...

Oh man - I don't do well with changes like that! Good luck when you finally do get to take it.

KK said...

I'm the same way!

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