Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Favorite Books

This week on Kelly's Korner Show Us Your Life, the topic is our favorite books.  I've already done a post on this, so it might be old information for some of ya'll, but not everyone!  I have a few favorites- there's the intellectual snooty one, the predictable one, the classic one, the fun one, the motivational one, and the mysterious one. I've read them many times over and have multiple copies of each- in my opinion, a book can't really be your favorite unless it never goes out of style with you.

My Favorite Book

To Kill a Mockingbird

It's my all time favorite book and I can read it over and over again. I've also never seen the movie because, to me, the book is perfect just as it is.  My dad gave me his first edition copy when I was in the 6th grade.  I started reading it that night and every spare minute I had went to finishing it.  This was the book that first made me want to be a lawyer, specifically a pro bono civil rights lawyer; before that I was going to be a doctor just like my father.  I know it's technically a book for younger students, but I don't care- I love it, and it really changed the direction of my life.

And the Rest of My Favorites

The rest of these are in no particular order, but see if you can match them to the above descriptors!

Pride and Prejudice

Some of my favorite quotes are from this book.

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."

"Stupid men are the only ones worth knowing after all."

"I cannot fix on the hour, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun."

Savannah Blues

It was the book that made me fall in love with all things old that have a story behind them.  It also has the most wonderful take on Southern women and the rules we're supposed to follow.

Gone With the Wind

I first saw the movie when I was in the fourth grade and I made my mom take me to the book store that night so I (she) could but it for me.   It took me six months to finish it- not because it was a slow read or anything, it's just that Gone With the Wind has 1037 pages and I was only 10 years old.  I've read it many times since then and I still keep hoping that when I get the last pages that the ending will be different...

The Red Tent

I thought I was going to hate The Red Tent when it was assigned to me in my Discovering the Goddess class during my Senior year at WM, but I was so wrong!  I couldn't put the book down and I was profoundly sad when I finished reading it, because it was over, and I just didn't want the book to ever end.  I've also listened to it a few times on CD and the lady reading the story has the most wonderful, soothing voice.

The Know-It-All

This book will make you smarter while also forcing you to realize that you really don't know anything at all when compared to the amount of information that's out there.  The guy that wrote this, also wrote the book The Year of Living Biblically, where he spent an entire year following every single rule in the Bible, including the arcane ones like stoning adulterers, not wearing mixed fiber clothing, and not shaving his facial hair!

And that's a wrap on my favorite books, but I'd love to hear which books are ya'll's favorites.  I'm always looking for new books to read and finding new things to learn.

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Cari said...

Crazy! We have all the same favorite books, except for the last one! Based on your taste, I'm going to have to pick this up!

Alicia said...

great topic!
some of my favorites include:
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers. It is a memoir about his life after his parent's died and he was left raising his little brother. You'll laugh-out-loud and cry.

An Anthropologist on Mars by Dr. Oliver Sacks. Stories of people with odd neurological disorders. It reinforced my love for psychology and demonstrated how mysterious the brain is.

Letters from a Nut by Ted Nancy. This book is just hysterical. I've heard that it was actually written by Jerry Seinfeld. You'll laugh until you're crying.

King J's Queen said...

I need to check out A.J. Jacobs' work. It sounds quite interesting. Thanks for the recommendation.

Mommyto3andahusky said...

Love your choices!

Mommyto3andahusky said...

Love your choices!

Shoshanah said...

I was a pretty big fan of The Red Tent, and I'm always trying to find books like it. So far the best comparison I've found are Marek Halter's books. I believe there are 3, Sarah, Zipporah, and Lilah

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