Monday, June 21, 2010

Attack at the Beauty Parlor

Saturday afternoon Spencer and I were in the car driving to her PGP's house.  I called my mom to let her know what we were doing and to find out where the plans were for Sunday- Father's Day.  When she didn't answer at home I tried her cell, which she never answers.  I should have known immediately that something was wrong, because not only did she answer, she answered after the first ring.

I was a little startled by her voice, since I wasn't expecting it, and she sounded funny.  It was the exact same voice she answered the phone with eight years ago when I called from Italy and she told me that she'd "accidentally" killed my two year old fish. I asked her where she was and she hesitated and then said "the vet."  I could feel the panic beginning as I asked her why she was at the vet on a Saturday afternoon.  And that's when she told me.

My 13 year old dog, Josie, had been attacked by a German Shepard at the groomer's that morning.  I didn't hear anything else because I was started sobbing uncontrollably.  All I could think about was my precious senior citizen Josie, who was an abused puppy that I'd rescued 12 years ago, and that she was going to die.  Then I heard my mom yelling through the phone to calm down- Josie was going to live, but she'd been hurt pretty badly and had to be stitched up and stapled in several places. I started to cry again.

It didn't make sense how this could have happened- we always paid extra so that Josie could have a walk by herself on a leash and to have her own outside time.  Not because she can't be around other dogs, but because she's so old and we were afraid that if something happened she wouldn't be able to defend herself.  Well, as it turns out, she can defend herself, because the dog that attacked her also had to be stitched up.  But here's what happened.  After she received her hair cut, one of the dog walkers put Josie on her leash and took out to the enclosed play/park/yard.  The sign was up that said no dogs were in area- meaning it was supposed to be empty.  A few seconds after getting out there, this huge German Shepard, who'd been outside all along, ran up and attacked my Josie for no reason.  And it was just that one dog walker with them and she couldn't get the dog off of Josie.

It makes me sick to think about it. She is the sweetest dog and she had such a difficult start to her life (many of her ribs were broken as a puppy due to being kicked) and it was just not fair for something like this to happen to her in "Golden Girl Years."  My mom has been on a crusade for the past few days, the person who left the German Shepard out in the yard unattended was fired and she's meeting with the manager today.  They are paying for all of Josie's medical bills and, get this, they said she could be groomed there for free for the rest of her life... Ha, as if!

Josie is at home now and she's a pretty sad girl, although, I think shes enjoying getting spoiled by everyone.  On Saturday night she had a hard time walking and just wanted to have me rub her ears, but by yesterday she was doing much better.  She even got off the sofa to meet me at the door!  The vet said it's pretty amazing how well she's doing considering her age.  I guess that out of everything that could have happened as a result of her injuries, this is the best case scenario, but it should have NEVER happened.  I'm trying to be grateful that she's "okay," but I really mad that she has to go through this.

Here are some pictures that I took of her yesterday.  I could only get pictures of some of her injuries because she can't roll on her back, which means I couldn't get the ones on her tummy.  If you get a chance, please say a little prayer for her!

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Hayley said...

Holy crap. That broke my heart. Poor girl! Sending good healing vibes her way.

John & Michelle said...

I'm so sorry. Hope she is all better really soon!

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Oh what a sweet 'puppy'... I am sorry that she was attacked that is awful! Sounds like she is recovering very well!

Already Happy said...

Poor Josie. I will pray for her!

Sarah @ Preaching In Pumps said...

Oh that sweet baby girl. I'm glad she is recovering so well. I hate it when animals are suffering - they don't understand!

Annie said...

OH NO!!!! i'm so glad she is going to be okay! the pictures just break my heart!!

my gussy was attacked by a black lab a few weeks ago. it's so sad to see the pups suffering and to feel so helpless for them :(

Meg said...

Poor old girl, that breaks my heart. I am so sorry you had to deal with that, I am happy that she survived such a traumatic ordeal at her age. Judging from her start in life, she's a fighter.

She is definitely in my prayers tonight.

~Meg @ "Through the Roses"

Patti said...

Awwww poor puppy. My heart hurt reading this post. I am so so glad that she is okay though, praying for speedy recovery and that she wouldn't be too traumatized. :(

moosmamma said...

OM Goodness... poor Josie... that is awful.... im so sorry....hugs to ur pup....

KK said...

That's so scary, I'm glad she's doing better!

Shoshanah said...

I can't believe that happened. How awful! But I'm glad to hear that's she's healing, and I hope she's back to normal soon!

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