I have been a fan of the PC since I knew the difference between Apple and Bill Gates. Like most children in public school however, we used Apples, big floppy discs, and played mass quantities of Oregon Trail. My family's first computer was the Macintosh LCII, purchased in 1991. When the PC became affordable my dad went out and bought one and I haven't looked back since. By the time I got to high school all the computers were PC and Apple was nowhere to be found. I briefly considered going to the dark side when they came out with colored computers, the iMac, but even the idea of a pink or red one couldn't convince me to leave my Windows.
Years later there was a Spencer who entered my life around the same time Apple stared airing commercials with new songs. If she's crying all I have to do is put on one of those songs and she stops wailing and starts dancing. There hasn't been one song that she hasn't liked. Her favorite was "New Soul" by Naim Yael for the MacAir. She also likes "Shut Up and Let Me Go" by the Ting Tings and Fiest's "1234." I am hoping she won't be seduced by their "hip" advertising campaigns, but it seems almost unavoidable. I hope an ipod will be the extent of her Apple devotion!
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