- I didn’t watch Sex and the City until it was in it’s 4th season because I believed it would corrupt my innocent soul and that everyone who watched it was not "a good girl."
- It really stinks that I now get labeled as not "a good girl." I sometimes feel like I wish I'd done what(who)ever I wanted because then at least I would have lived up to the reputation I now have.
- I spent countless days, nights, and hours worrying that The Second Coming would happen before I got married and had sex. The idea of being raptured up before then was almost too much to bare. I used to pray multiple times a day “Jesus please let Your Will be done and please let Your Will be that You will tarry." Oh, the irony of it all. (tarry is the church word for waiting or delaying)
- The idea of “FOREVER” scares the living daylights out of me. Like, forever and ever and ever… I get the sick pitty feeling in my stomach that sends waves of terror and nausea throughout my body. I am wondering if this is just a phenomenon that occurs in those raised in the Church, or if it’s something everyone experiences when thinking about the thing that scares them the most?
- I can’t imagine having another child because I don’t see how it would be possible for me to love him/her as much as I love Spencer. Do mom’s really love their second and third kids as much as their first one or is all just a big lie they tell so they don’t seem like a bad mother?
- When I was in college, at one of the most liberal institutions on the east coast, I was the official Liaison to the Ronald Reagan Foundation for the College of William and Mary. To say I was a conservative right winger would be like saying a hurricane is a bit gusty. Four years and one kid later, I donated ($25) to the Hillary Clinton Campaign. This is all the more shocking, mostly to myself, because in high school I actually believed that the Clinton’s friends with the Devil himself. (I still don't consider myself a democrat. I'm a strict constructionist with a soft spot for the underdog.)
- I have seen The Goonies at least 100 times and whenever I see Sean Astin as an adult middle-aged man, a small part of my inner child dies a bit.
- When I was in elementary and middle school I wasn’t allowed to watch Beavis and Butthead. Whenever I went to someone’s house and they would put on the show, I would actually go into another room, so that my eyes would not be exposed to the MTV cartoon. (See, that's what I mean! I was a good kid!)
- I used to HATE green peppers until I got pregnant, and now I LOVE them.
- I am empathetic to a fault. I FEEL other people’s pain like it’s my own, as if it’s actually happening to me. I always root for the underdog and I am compelled to stick up for someone being bullied.
Slow Start
1 week ago
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