** I saw The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo this weekend with Spencer's MiMi and her best friend. It was one of the best movies I've seen in a long time and I totally recommend it to everyone! The movie is based on a book that is part of a three-part trilogy and I'd read two of the books- the third isn't out yet. If you have time, the books are amazing and such good reads. It was also the first time I'd been to the movie theater since July!
** Spencer and I spent Saturday night with the PGP's and I had such a nice talk with her the above mentioned best friend who was also spending the night. And then I got to sleep in the morning! I love sleeping in.
** I had more than a few tears slide down my cheeks when Phil Mickelson won the Master's. When he embraced his wife, who is fighting breast cancer, and gave her a long tearful hug, I just couldn't contain the water works. It was such a beautiful moment and it reminded me of how much I love love.
** Spencer is currently obsessed with Dragons! I don't know how or why she fell in love with them, but she has. She keeps asking me for one and wanting to watch movies that have them in it. She's even changed the words of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Instead of "like a diamond in the sky" she now sings "like a dragon in the sky." It really is the cutest thing I've ever heard!
** This is my 499th post! Which means that my next one will be my 500th. I don't know how to commemorate the occasion- any ideas?
I love to sleep in too!
So cute... I love the dragon story! Right now McDonalds' is giving them away in happy meals-- so I have several floating around my car :)
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