I know a lot of states start school sometime during August, but in Virginia, when I was of the "school aged," we had something known as the Kings Dominion Law. It mandated that public schools were not allowed to start the year before Labor Day- in large part because of the tourism industry.
I've always loved going back to school, school supply shopping, and getting my new school year wardrobe. It was something I was so ready for by the beginning of every August. There was never any dread about starting school again, just the anticipation of all the great things I imagined would happen that year. I could never sleep the night before, even more so than on Christmas Eve. (Isn't that crazy?) My dad took me to breakfast every year on the first day, even in high school when we had to get up at 5am because my ride was picking me up at 6:30. (Yes, I was too cool for the bus by the 9th grade).
I guess I'm one of the lucky ones who have nothing but glorious memories of my formal schooling years. I guess I'm doubly lucky that I have nothing but the same memories of college, too! But that's beside the point. Erma Bombeck once said "There's nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child." And how true is that? I've spent every year since I stopped believing in Santa Claus trying to recreate that magic- the magic I once felt. But I also think there's something very sad about waking up on Labor Day and knowing that you aren't going to have your first day of school tomorrow. That those years have passed, this is now an ordinary day, and tomorrow the school supplies will all go on sale.
I'm sure when Spencer starts kindergarten the same feelings will return, but I can't think about that now because it makes me teary. I know people always say that some of the Christmas magic returns when your children start believing in Santa, so I'm hoping the same thing applies to this craziness I feel about the first day of school! Sometimes I can't believe that era of my life is over- it will never happen again- it just doesn't make sense to me. When I was growing up I always remember adults telling me to enjoy my youth because it goes by too fast. I used to think they were nuts, because I was enjoying my youth! And now I think that might have been really bad advice, because I loved my youth so much that it's really, impossibly hard for me to let go of.
I've always thought it's unfair that we're young for such a short period of time and then old for the rest of our lives. Now that I'm getting older my definition of old is of course changing a bit, haha, but the day is going to come when there will be no about it- I'll be old. (The Lord willing.) And it's days like today that remind me of how fleeting this whole thing is. One of the Bible verses that's always haunted me is James 14:4 - You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. And there's nothing I can control about that.
Today is my bestie's birthday and we celebrated as we have done every year, reminiscing about old times and the good old days while wondering about our futures. A song came on the radio from that time, reminding us of our youth, and suddenly the memories came flooding back of the angsty days gone by. And I was happy. As much as I loved my youth, I'm looking forward to what's still to come. There are still the feelings of butterflies and anticipation about the tomorrows in my life. I'm so lucky that I have such wonderful memories but I'm even more thankful for all the ones I still have to make.
Happy Birthday Sara!
Loved this post! I agree with what you said. I too remember the excitement of starting school and I loved getting the supplies and clothes (I still can't pass up the supplies when they set them out in the stores). I so enjoy seeing my daughter so excited to go to pre-K (she starts tomorrow) - but was as equally excited during preschool. It's a wonderful world - youth. I miss it, but am enjoying where I am now especially since most of my friends from my youth are still my close friends.
We are 'but a vapor', but in His terms that's a long time. A day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day.
Fun pictures of you and your friend.
Have a great day today!
great post girl!
love the old pic ;)
i remember being excited to start school but i never really liked school, at all.
i am thankful for all the friendships i made and the few that have lasted this long.
Oh I loved teh getting ready for school too!! I never hated school-- but I loved all the time... and so I never was attached to any one school either. It changed as to when school started.... ended... so forth.
Love the pictures too :)
Love this post AND the pictures! :)
I totally understand what you're saying about school, and youth and all. Gosh, if it wasn't almost midnight (shoot, it IS midnight...) I'm sure I could (try) and say it more eloquently. But yes, sometimes it hits me that my "young youth," the carefree school days and everything are over and it's always like a sock to the gut. Did it really go by so fast? How I remember those days, where my biggest stressors were getting good grades and having enough gas money to get to the football game on Friday nights. ha!
But yeah, this whole motherhood journey is pretty exciting too (though more stressful!) and it IS exciting for me to see the magic through Maddie's eyes. I'm praying that she loves school as much as I always did and that she believes in Santa for as long as I did (and that was a LONG time! Ha! My mom finally had to crack down and break the truth to me; I'm a dreamer!).
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