Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Jon Gosselin is a Bag of Summer's Eve

I don't usually say this kind of thing, well that's not entirely true, I don't usually write out this kind of thing, but Jon Gosselin is a douchebag. There's really no other word for him, at least not one that accurately describes his level of dirt bag.

I was dumb and there really wasn't much else on tv so I decided to watch the Prime Time special with the interview of the Father of the Year. I feel guilty that I even gave up 30 minutes of my life for this craptastic display of ... I don't know the word... but he was just so mean. I don't care if Kate is witchy-b, she doesn't deserve to have the father of her 8, eight, children go on tv and proclaim to all the world that he despises her. Yes, he used that word- despise, which Webster defines as- to look down on with contempt or aversion, to regard as worthless.

Sorry for this rant, but my blood began to boil as I was watching this father completely and totally trash the mother of his kids. And I remembered back a few months ago when he said he was worried about his kids googling him one day and what they might read. Um, well I think when they watch this it's going to be a whole lot more damaging than a google search!

Okay, all done. Wait, not yet, he also said that he loved his new 22 year old "soul mate" more than he loved Kate. Yes, he actually used that word. I think I just threw up a little. Alright, now I'm finished!

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Kelly said...

I seriously can't stand him, and the more he talks the worse it gets. I'm kinda glad I didn't see the interview tonight, I probably would have punched my tv! And I can't believe he said those things. That's bad, even for him.

Kari said...

I laughed - the title is great. I agree with you though. Never watched his show, never have seen him talk - just seen pictures of the guy - but a sleeze bag he sure is. And to get on national tv and say those things is terrible. People have no decency anymore. And you're right - that is something that is out there for his kids to hear and read. I'll add a tad more flavor to your post and call him a moron ;o)

Micha said...

Honestly, I've never paid any attention to him, but it's getting really annoying because with these shenanigans he's EVERYWHERE. He SO shouldn't be saying that stuf and it's truly a reflection of what a loser he is more than anything else. I feel bad for that naive (or fame-seeking) young thing he's wanting to stick with. Doesn't she know it'll be her next???

Our Little Family said...

Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

Their whole situation makes me so sad/upset/irritated. I wish they'd set out of the limelight and deal with these problems. I didn't watch tonight's "special," but I had heard that he used the "despise" word. Get a grip. How damaging will that be to his children someday?! Geez. Respect the lady since she IS the mother of your children. And the whole thing with his "soulmate?!" Please. He needs to responsibly and MATURELY end his relationship with his WIFE before seeking anything else.

I can't stand him. He makes my blood boil. Their situation, in a lot of ways, is frighteningly similar to what I went through. I honestly and seriously pray that they find some peace and learn to, at least, parent their kids peacefully.


Lol. Now I'm all fired up! :-)

Sarah @ Preaching In Pumps said...

I couldn't even watch it, I was so infuriated!! Seriously, does he think anyone is condoning his behavior at this point? I could go on, but I'm pretty sure I'm just preaching to the choir!!

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

I agree.... He needs to keep his opinions to himself. He can think it-- but to vocalize it to the world? Bad. Terrible. Stupid.

Those poor kids :(

Heather@WHMB said...

I agree, I kind of just want them both to go away. Yawn. Nobody cares anymore, GO TAKE CARE OF YOUR KIDS!!!

Unknown said...

Hi! I know this is rather creepy of me. But I read your comment on MckMama's page, replied to it, but she had turned the comments off. This is what I said:

I know you weren't talking to me, but I just wanted to encourage you to keep the faith! I think as Christians we all go through seasons. In some seasons our faith is unwaivering and strong, in other seasons it seems like we can't see the good in anything.

At our church we have been going through the book of Job....a man who lost EVERYTHING, got bad advice, and was tempted to give up on God, but he didn't. Dig into the Word and I know that I will be praying for God to strengthen your faith in Him.

Again, sorry if this is creepy of me!! haha

Patti said...

Ugh!!! I actually used to feel bad for Jon. I watched the show and thought I had Kate figured out as controlling, bossy, etc. I NEVER thought it justified splitting up, but I did think that she needed to be nicer to her husband or it will take a toll on their marriage. Now I see that he probably wasn't the most pleasant person to live with himself and is using Kate's behavior to justify this childish lifestyle that he is now living. Ironically, I had borrowed their book "Multiple Blessings" from a friend a long time ago. I was reading through it and thinking, how sad that they can get through the hardest thing that one can ever face, SIX babies, but they can't keep their marriage together. Now is when they should be enjoying their children together. Every marriage can be saved in my opinion, but not when one party is like you said, a douche bag. :)

Momma Jac said...

Thank you, thank you and thank you!!! First of all the title is great fits the "boy" well and second of all one the greatest blog posts I have read in a long time. Love it-he is a total bag of summer's eve. I dvr'd it last night and watched it today and I was literally laughing out loud at him today-he is a nut case who is so immature and he just made himself look even worse than he ever has before. I loved it because he just dug himself into the grave and covered his own self up. I wanted to punch this dude in the face so bad while watching it. Thanks for letting me vent also! Thanks girl! Loved it!

Shoshanah said...

I think the whole thing has gotten a little ridiculous. I do think Kate didn't use to treat him very nicely, but he never seemed to care on the show and just laughed it off. I guess inside he was steaming and finally cracked and let EVERYTHING out.

And yes, I'm still watching the tv show

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