Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Stats

We went to the doctor on Friday and Spencer now weighs 31 lbs and is 35 inches tall! She got a bunch of shots and has not been the happiest camper since then. I hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

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Melissa said...

That makes me giggle, 31 pounds. Brody is like 26 and he's only 18 months!!! What a doll you have!

Kylee said...

Aww! She is so adorable! How did the shots go? Lyla had to have shots on her bday. :( How old is Spencer?

KK said...

Hope you are feeling better, big girl!

Kari said...

How old is she? (Did I miss that in the post?) My daughter just hit 33 pounds at 4 years. She's a skinny thing.
Have a great weekend - and I need to email you back. I laughed when I read what you did about Mr. Doug. Not sure how you did it, but wow! Talk to you soon and have a great day tomorrow :o)

Meg said...

Those are adorable pictures of your little monster. Poor thing, shots suck, hopefully she will start feeling better soon. I hope your classes are going well for you!

Kelly said...

Uh, I hate shots too! Hope you both are having a great Labor Day Weekend!

Micha said...

So, that first pic with the bubbles just makes me smile. Love it!!

Hopefully she's over the shots now! Those things are no fun.

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