I got an update from her Dad this evening and I wanted to share it with everyone, so that it might become more real to you, so that you can see Adelaide's lovely little face when you're praying for her. To start off with- some great news- Addie was able to digest her first meal today. This is a huge victory and amazing progress!
Tomorrow, she will be receiving a PICC line. It's an IV catheter that will run up her arm, through her shoulder, and stop at the top of her heart. It will deliver the necessary fluids, nutrients and medicines, while decreasing the number of times they have to poke her delicate skin and blood vessels. Preemies have very small, almost wispy veins, so the PICC line will reduce the risk of introducing any infections into her fragile system.
A perfect little girl, just a bit too small.
These are her proud parents, Luke and Katie, who need almost as many prayers as their precious little girl. I can't imagine how heart wrenching this must be for them; I don't think Webster has defined the words that would adequately describe what a parent feels when faced with a situation like this. They're leaning heavily on their strong faith in the Lord, knowing He will see them through, but they're also afraid and so thankful for everyone who is praying for their daughter.
Please pray that Addie will continue making positive progress, for her to fight any infections that might cause further delay or regression, that everything will go smoothly with the PICC line, and for a spot to become available for them in the Quantum House- so they can be closer to their baby. Thank you so much for reading these Addie updates, not only is she Spencer's cousin, but she's also a daughter - she's her mother's daughter. I think every mom, and probably most women in general, understand the primal instinct we all have to protect the young, even when they're not our own.
oh my goodness... she is beautiful... I eill certainly add her and her parents to my prayers. What a long jounrey she has ahead of her... she looks like a fighter and her parents have every right to be as proud as they look.
She is still on our prayer list here. What a great thing you're doing, passing along prayers =) My son was in the NICU, he was 3 lbs 3 ozs when he was born and just as small and precious as Luke and Katie's little Adelaide. He also had a PICC line and took awhile to digest meals. Some days he wouldn't eat at all, or produce any waste. It was a struggle but he is a healthy 27 lb boy who will be 2 years old next month =) Prayers are amazing things...tell those parents not to let their faith fade =)
Praying for Addie! Please let us know if there is anything we can do.
Ugh, tears at work - gotta get it together! She is beautiful and my heart goes out to everyone involved. That takes a strength I'm guessing you don't know you have until you're in that situation. Prayers from Texas!
We need a tissue alert icon. LOL My boss thinks I have the worst sinus issues of anyone on the planet. LOL Sweet Addie is in my prayers as are her parents. I can't begin to imagine what they are going through, but God does and will take care of them all.
She is so beautiful. My prayers are with the whole family. I can only imagine how difficult it is for them right now.
Hey Katie!! I know I haven't commented in a while (though, that didn't stop me from writing an email to you last night, only to realize I don't have your email; Lol). Things have been a little...um... upside down around here.
Anyway, I have been praying for this little girl and to see pictures is SO awesome. That's great she took her first meal and I know that the PICC line can be scary but in the long run, it'll be so much easier on her (well, from what I've read; I'm not a dr!). What an amazing little girl she is and I hope your friend knows that she's got a mama and a 2 year old in So. Cal praying for them!!
I hope school is going well. Thinking about you!
Amazing, I'll be praying
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