Monday, August 3, 2009

A Fated Future

There's a song that I heard awhile ago and I think about the lyrics all the time. They are:

If you could have one minute alone

With yourself when you were young

Do you think you would lie

I can't answer it. And oddly enough, it's not the reason most people would probably think- it's Macbeth. Out of all the Shakespeare tragedies, Macbeth was my least favorite, and that's putting it mildly. It drove me crazy wondering if it was fate that controlled his future or if was by seeing his future that he controlled/manipulated his fate. When he saw in the witches brew that his destiny was to be king, he took insane actions to make it happen. If he had never seen his future would he have still been king? Was he only destined to be king if he saw the future? Was him looking in the brew already part of the future plan that would lead him into his descent of madness?

Of course there are no real answers, only interpretations, which made it all the more frustrating. But it does make me wonder- if I told myself 10 years ago that this where I'd be, would it change my present? Would I take every action to ensure a different life than the one I'm leading, or is this my fate no matter what?

I guess the real question would be is your future your fated future or is it knowing your future that determines your fate? (That's a lot of futures!) I think to myself, I would want to know the truth, but then I shake my head and say no. I would never do anything to jeopardize my life with Spencer. And I know me 10 years ago and she would do everything in her power to write a different story for herself (me).

I go back and forth thinking about this completely ridiculous question. Not only is there no answer, but it's an impossible thing that would never happen. So why do I keep thinking about it?

What about you? Would you lie to your younger self or tell the truth?

The song is More Than Alive by Hayden

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Hayley said...

Oh I'd totally keep my mouth shut. The girl I was back in the day would do everything possible to change this future.

Although, I'm sure I'd be a lot more rested right now if I let her.

We're okay here, just taking things one day at a time. My parents both stayed with us last night and took a baby so we both got to sleep all night... even though I didn't, because I felt too weird not being cuddled up to a baby. Ian goes in for his surgery tomorrow morning and I'm so nervous. It's just a tiny incision and a little snip snip- he doesn't even go under- and then they'll wrap it and cast it so I don't have to see any blood, but it still scares me. And luckily John is off for the rest of the month cuz I'm gonna have one pissed off baby.

Those pics of Spencer in her pink grass skirt are so cute, btw! Was this a Hawaiian luau thing you attended?

Kelly said...

"is your future your fated future or is it knowing your future that determines your fate?"

I think your future is fated...and it makes me think of Oedipus. He was told of his future and tried to avoid it, only to have the prophesy come true.

So I would lie to myself. The future has been determined, and nothing good can come from knowing the future if you can't change it.

I have to go lie down now. All this thinking has made me sleepy. :)

KK said...

Yes and No. No, I wouldn't scare myself to death with what I'd walk through, but yes, I'd tell myself that I do get through it and God never leaves me!

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