- I was the 5th oldest person in the class
- The overwhelming majority of the class was born in 1990
- There were 31 females and 4 males
- Of those 31 females, 6 had things written on their butts
- One of our assignments is to interview our grandparents. I don't have any grandparents that are still alive.
- One of the girls in the class is friends with my 17 year old brother.
- The professor mentioned Watergate, confused glances all around me
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
1 week ago
Good for you!
Like... written on the clothes on their butts or really written on their butts? I just thought it odd that you'd already know about 6 bum tats and then realized I probably read it wrong.... :P
YAY!! I'm so glad you are doing this! The demographics will fade to the background a little once the work kicks in I bet.
YOu are so funny, are you saying you don't have words written on your fanny... :) Isn't that great to come home after being away for awhile and love on your monkey. The best of both worlds!
Too funny...loved your post...
Yay, you made it! You'll be great and trust me, you don't want those stupid sweats with writing on the ass. Be glad we missed that fad. ;)
too funny!
glad you made it through the first day! you just gotta focused on the big picture and not your age ;)
maybe you will be the smartest...we get wiser with age...right!?
Yea! First day's over! You are so not old. Seriously, can the butt writing stuff just go out of style? I'm so over it.
Hello. :) I happened along to your blog from the weekly Blog Hop. I will be following your blog if that is okay. I am a single mother as well. I got pregnant at 15. I am now 17, and my daughter will be one next Friday! And you're right, just becuase we became unexpecdely pregnant, doesn't mean our live's are over. I can't wait to learn more about you and your very beautiful little girl. :)
I remember going back to college when Ceara was around a year old. I was only 24 but I felt sooo old! Congrats to you for making that leap back into it!
I love this list. I laughed out loud. And my security word is faurt. LOL
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