Please allow me to set the stage- it's winter of 1985 and I am spoiled rotten 4 year old. My grandparents have just moved from New Jersey to Virginia and I'm at their house playing with my toys.
I fall in love with a baby doll. Head over heels, madly in love. It's turning dark outside and my parents are telling me it's time to go home. I put on my coat and grab my baby- I'm ready. My grandparents gently inform me that I can't take the baby home with me- she's my aunt's doll from when she was my age, but I can always play her at their house. Heart is Broken. I wailed and screamed and threw a tempter tantrum worthy of a two year old. Nothing worked, and the baby did not go home with me.
The next time I went over there the baby was out of sight and I forgot about her until the next time my aunt came to visit. I begged her to let me take the baby to my house, promising I would take extra special care of her. But the answer was always no, she stayed at my grandparents house where I could always play with her. Cue tantrum.
This scene happened quite a few times over the next couple of years, always ending with me in tears and no baby doll to take home. Eventually I forgot about her and then I outgrew dolls. She went to the attic and I never saw her again.
Until yesterday.
My aunt came to visit me and Spencer and as she got out of her car I saw something in her hands. As she got closer, I saw my doll and I sprinted for the porch door. My baby doll! (Yes, I'm 27). Just as I was about to take her in my arms my aunt leaned down and said "Here Spencer, I brought you a baby doll!"
What? She's mine! My aunt looked at me like I had 10 heads and said, "well you two can share it." My brain was telling me, you're acting insane, loony bin- commit you kinda crazy. But my heart and my inner child were green with envy. I had wanted that doll for years, begged and pleaded for her, and Spencer gets to keep her- and she never even asked, never even knew my Tiny Tears existed! Um, yes, I do know how immature and ridiculous that sounds.
So I put on my big girl pants and watched as Spencer gave TT kisses and rubbed her back, my heart turned from emerald to lime. Last night as I put her to bed, Spencer laid the doll in the middle of the pillow looked around and then put her own head beneath the pillow- on the mattress. My daughter gave up her own pillow for her doll! There was no more envy, just admiration for my little girl. (And a load of embarrassment towards myself).
If I had gotten TT when I was a child, she would have ended up where all my dolls ended up- the Goodwill, a yard sale, or the dump. I would have taken care of her for a day, maybe two, possibly even a week- but that's about it. She would've become one of my patients that I operated on or the unwilling recipient of a makeover. And there was certainly no way I would've ever given up my pillow for her. It makes me happy to see that my baby is such a sweet, loving little girl.
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
1 week ago
So cute, but I'd have been mad too!
Here'a another alternate ending possibility: (forgive the epistle)
My mother did give me her baby doll. Now, to set the stage, my grandmother loved (loves) dolls and always purchased the most amazing *heirloom* quality dolls for the girls. All my Aunt's still have them, but my mother? Oh no, she let me have hers. I was a kid and grandma came to visit just to see the doll naked and face down on my floor. I had ripped out all her eyelashes (she was one of the early open/close eyes drink & wet dolls from the 50's) and there was pen on her cheek. That doll was "rescued" from my presence fast as can be.
Grandma took her to the doll hospital and had all her hair relplaced, her face repainted, even custom leather shoes sewn. She finally gave the doll back to me when I was 29(?) with the strictest instructions that my daughter cannot so much as look at her.
SO, I have this fabulous doll of my mom's sitting lonely in a box. I can't look at it without getting a little annoyed or getting dust on the perfect little everything. But when I was a little girl I loved that doll like there was no tomorrow and had a grand ol time playing with her. I think I know which ending I prefer in the long run...
What a lucky little girl though, and how sweet of her to give up her pillow! Sneak in there and take a picture!!
Really cute story!
such a cute story, i would have been a little upset as well though.
i have 3 of my baby dolls from when i was little as well. i dont know if i'll let my future kids play with them!
I enjoyed reading this. Loved the photos too...
I gave you an award today on my blog since I enjoy reading yours. Thanks for always having such great stuff to read! Glad I found you in the great big blogging world.
Darling! What a great post!
That's great, now you get to enjoy the baby doll in a whole new light.
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