On Tuesday night she went to sleep at her normal time- 8:30pm-ish, and everything seemed wonderful until she woke up screaming at 12:15am. Please note, I not gone to bed yet. If I hadn't known better, I would swear that they gave her a shot of speed, because she was bouncing off the walls- 85 nonsense words per minute. She did not want to sleep and nothing I did was helping. I tried her favorite tv shows, then I tried no tv, then I tried singing, rocking, the cry-it-out method, and some warm soy milk. NOTHING helped. I was about to lose my mind around 4am, when she was still wide awake and deliriously happy. Finally, at 5:15am, her eyes began to flutter, and she fell asleep in my arms.
I was too afraid to move her, no way was I waking that sleeping beast of a baby, so I sat there holding her until I fell asleep. Wouldn't you know, she woke up at her normal time 7am with boundless energy. Luckily, it was a really beautiful day, so we played outside for a few hours, trying to wear her out. I'm pretty sure the only person who got worn out was me though, haha.
I was pushing her in the swing when I noticed her head starting to bob a little, so I took her inside and she fell asleep on the sofa. PROBLEM: we both fell asleep for 3 hours. Three freakin' hours! When I woke up and saw that it was after 2pm, I screamed, which of course woke her up. She had slept through lunch and through any chance of going to sleep at a normal time. All I can say is thank goodness I got that three hour nap, because I was c-r-a-n-k-y!
We went over to visit Sara and baby Lila in the afternoon. We made some Valentine cookies, and Spencer helped, she used the cookie cutter on her own special cookies. Unfortunately, a lot of the dough ended up in her mouth rather than in the cookie, but she was occupied.
Oh, the things I let her do because the "entertain" her: cookie dough, ripping up my new Us Weekly before I've read it, giving her the remote control to the dvr (she likes to rewind, what can I say), playing with my cell phone (which has now gone on to cellular heaven), putting over 100 stickers on my face and hair- which she would pull off and on, and for the worst one... drum roll please... an almost empty tube of Desitin.
In my defense of the Desitin:
1. I didn't know it was in her diaper bag when I gave the DB for her to empty (it was hiding in a zipped pocket.
2. When I saw that she had found it, I thought it was empty- it looked empty and squeezed out. She also hadn't opened it yet, and I assumed, yes ass-u-me -d, she couldn't figure it out.
3. As she began to squirt out the white goop, I kept thinking, "surely that's all that can be in there," and then "there can't possibly be anything left for her to squeeze out," and finally "I really hope this doesn't stain.
So back to Wednesday: the sugar in the, um, Sugar Cookies, had the effect one might expect, and she was on a sugar high. I fully expected her to be like the Wild Woman of Borneo for an hour, two tops, and then she would fall into an exhausted sleep coma. Of course, this did not happen and she was like a crazed, pupil dilated, little baby for the next 4 hours. She probably ate the equivalent of one and half cookies, and they were small, like 2x2- I wish I could eat that much and have that much energy.
I tried to delay bedtime, thinking that if I kept her up a little later she would be tired out and sleep through the night. I gave her a bath right before bed, and used her lavender and chamomile sleep-inducing body wash. Finally, I gave her some warm soy milk in her sippy cup and rocked her to sleep.
Peace At Last
I fell asleep right away, at 9:30pm, off in dreamland until I heard, "MaMa, MaMa, MaaaMaaaaa!I thought it was part of my dream, like when you incorporate the blaring alarm clock into your dream as ringing telephone that won't stop even after you pick it up.
I opened an eye and peeked at the clock- 2:39am. All that's going through my head is "I cannot do last night all over again." And then I see Spencer, naked as a jaybird, smile from ear to ear.
I don't care if you haven't slept in a week, you would have have laughed when you saw her. She had peed through her diaper (stupid warm soy milk before bed) and it had woken her up. One thing about Spencer, she does NOT like to be wet or poopy and if you take too long to change her, she will change herself. I found some clean pajamas, wiped her off, got her dressed, and then laid down with her on the sofa. It was a very, very windy warm night, so I opened the window and she fell asleep after about an hour to the lulling chimes and the sound of the breeze whipping through the trees.
When she woke up yesterday, she seemed to be back to her normal self, like the past two days hadn't even happened. I still tried to tire her out with hours playing in the backyard made sure she only slept for an hour and a half at nap time. Although, that was ruined when the FedEx man rang the doorbell three times and startled her awake. (I'm putting up a sign today, just in case) She went to sleep last night just fine and slept all the way through til 6:15am!
I'm feeling better today, I don't think any permanent damage was done, haha. I have some cute Valentine's Day crafts that we are doing today and tomorrow, so I will take some pictures and post them later on. I hope everyone is having a great day!
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