There is not much new with me and, or, Spencer. We had a nice Valentine's Day, save for my punctured thumb. I was making Spencer a strawberry shortcake for V-Day, and my wet hand slipped on the knife and I stabbed myself in the thumb.
For the next three days it was swollen and I couldn't move it. You have no idea how important a thumb is until it's gone- it's truly what separates us from the apes. It's still swollen, but I have some mobility now, hence the post. Spencer did love her strawberry shortcake though, so it was all worth it!
I do have question for you, Internet- What do you do when your child is intent on taking off her diaper 24/7? I seriously have no idea what to do about this. Everyday, within 5 minutes of putting on her diaper, Spencer finds someway to take it off. She is sneaky, and she'll even take it off without taking off her clothes. This morning when I went to take off her pajamas, she was soaking wet, and I was like, "huh?"
She was laughing, and I looked at her again, after rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, and there was her wet diaper on the floor. I was really confused, and I looked at her again, her pajamas (the snap kind) were still on, perfectly intact- not one snap missing. S0mehow, she managed to take off her diaper and slide it out of her pajamas- crafty and sneaky!
So please, please Internet, tell me what to do. I'm open to any and all suggestions.
Slow Start
1 week ago
I'm glad your thumb is feeling good enough to post. I've missed you.
I wish I had a magical answer but my little guy didn't do this. Maybe she's ready to potty train. I have heard that girls a lot easier and they catch on much younger.
I love that she was smiling at you. TOO CUTE!!
Welcome back Girl~
SNEAKY SNEAKY. I haven't had this problem with Cade. The only involvement he has with his diaper is shoving one- or BOTH- hands down the back of it to scratch his butt. Just like his dad.
well, i DID have this problem with my little girl. it didn't last long, though. honestly, if she's not having accidents once the diaper is off it's probably more annoying than problematic. she may indeed be ready for a little potty. either way, a little diaper-free time running around the house is probably in order. at least, i finally succumbed to that as it was going to happen whether i helped it or not.
for aeryn, going without her diaper helped her to pay attention to when she needed to run to the potty. be forewarned though: they don't always get there in time, especially in the beginning :)
So maybe it is time to introduce the potty...
My boys never did this- thankfully!!
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