I have a lot of faults, but my biggest one is probably my inability to control my mouth.
You might think I suffer from Tourette Syndrome, but I don't- it's just that when something pops into my head, it automatically comes out of my mouth. I think it's gotten worse since I had Spencer, because that was about the same time my communication with adults was reduced by about 75%. When you're around a baby all day, it doesn't really matter what you say, so long as you say it in a loving tone.
I have a couple of friendships where this okay and then I have some where I know I have to put on my filter. I'm not sure which ones are healthier, actually. I don't know if it's better to be completely open, or if you need that voice in your head saying "bleep, don't say that!"
I just started thinking about this because of Facebook, of all things. That ridiculous 25 random things meme that's spreading like wildfire. Every time I write something down I over analyze it and delete it. The censor that doesn't exist in my real life goes into overdrive in my virtual life. It's very annoying to me- just felt like putting that out there.
Slow Start
1 week ago
My filter is totally broken.
What random things meme? I don't have a Facebook, but I'd love the opportunity to offend people!!
filter....what's that. where do i buy one?? do they come in pretty colors. maybe i can get one to match my blog.
i'm sure everyone around me would like me to have a filter. i just think they filter tooooo much!!!
just my little opinion!!
yeah, I know what you mean... There are certain things that I don't put on my blog, not b/c I don't want to offend people, but b/c it is just not neccesary for EVERYONE to know.
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