Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Day Trip

Spencer and I went to Target today to pick up a few things- I needed a new flash drive and they were having a sale. Target is only about 12 minutes away and I knew we weren't going anywhere else, so I didn't pack her regular diaper bag.
Big Mistake

I didn't think that I would need the diaper bag, because she had just gone to the bathroom- and it was a lot. How could there possibly be more?  So here we are in Target and I start to smell something. I really didn't think she had gone again, it had to be gas. But then I got another whiff of some highly potent nasty stuff. I ditched the idea of any browsing around and quickly paid for my flash drive.

As I get to the car I feel something on my hand, something wet. Yes, you guessed correctly, it was fecal matter!

I had an extra diaper in the car, but no wipes. I did the best I could, trying to get her decently cleaned up, all in the Target parking lot with the wind whistling around her cold little tushy.

There were a lot of tears and few choice words during this debacle. What really gets me crazy is that I am a compulsive over-packer. I never leave the house unprepared and I always have extras of everything. The one time I try and be "spontaneous" and go out for a quick jaunt without packing an entire suitcase, the worst possible scenario happens.

When we got home we got a bath and freshened up. Then I packed an entire extra diaper bag and put it in the car for "just in case." What can I say, I liked to be prepared!


The Kramer Angle said...

Babies are full of surprises aren't they? Some like the one you got at Target, not so good!

I don't think it was the Boy Scouts who coined the motto "Always Prepared" I think it was a mother!

Hayley said...

LOL this has happened to me before. ONCE. NEVER AGAIN. I don't care if I'm running to a gas station for five minutes, I always pack!

We got laid over at the Dallas airport once for NINE hours- and we ran out of diapers. Luckily, since my hubby is a vet, he got extras from the USO station!


Maisy said...

OMG Katie! I am sitting here laughing because it reminds me of the time when it happened to me.(yes you will look back on this and laugh) I had the diapers and the wipes...what I didn't have was an extra outfit. Thank goodness I was at TJMaxx :)
I miss those days.
The way you wrote it was just perfect. I love hearing stories of you and Spencer :)

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

oh my goodness -- this happened to me too! Except I ended up changing him in a gas station parking lot!! well... it was a learning experience for sure!! Totally Murphy's Law though... when you need something the MOST, it will be the First Time you have EVER forgotten it!

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