I've been going through old boxes, trying to get stuff organized and archived (especially my old photos) and I found my Senior Book! Who knows what I was thinking, cutting up photographs and not keeping the negatives. I'm hoping I'll find them in another box, they have to be somewhere, since I don't throw anything anyway! So I decided to take so pictures of my pictures, so you can get a glimpse of my life, circa 2000. Sorry some of the photos are a bit blurry.
News Years Eve 1999. It's hard to believe that I was once terrified of Y2K. It dominated my thoughts and I remember the huge feeling of relief that came over me on January 2, 2000.
News Years Eve 1999. It's hard to believe that I was once terrified of Y2K. It dominated my thoughts and I remember the huge feeling of relief that came over me on January 2, 2000.
Riding a bull at the After-Prom. I was pretty good too!
There was something wrong with the guys in my senior class, because there were only girls in AP English. I went to a large school, my graduating class was over 600 people, and since the 10th grade, there were no boys in honors and AP English. Can you spot me?
Yes, I was a cheerleader!
I was an actually an All-American Cheerleader winner when I was in the 9th grade, but that's a story for another post.
I was an actually an All-American Cheerleader winner when I was in the 9th grade, but that's a story for another post.
This was a picture of the seniors taken on our last game. Being a cheerleader tended to make people think I wasn't smart, but I took all honors and AP classes and graduated with 3.88 GPA
There was a section in the "Senior Book" that denoted a page for Middle School Memories. This is a picture of me in the 8th grade, age 14. Hard to believe, huh? (I'm on the right)
I want you hair :)
Of course it's OK!!!!!!
I only want what's best for my fellow bloggers/friend :)
SO not fair... Amazing Hair AND Beautiful eyes....
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