I am entirely different. Depending on my mood, or when you ask me, or what your asking me about, I use all different categories and phases. There's the obvious, before and after Spencer, but that's so recent to me, there are still 25 years before that, that need some sort of organization.
After Spencer, there is before and after my MeMa died. She passed away during my first week of law school, completely unexpectedly. It's a day I would love to forget, but every second of it is etched into my brain. We were waiting for her at church on Sunday and she was late; my Mema was never late. My mom was worried and we sat outside of church waiting for her to drive up. My Dad drove over to her house and when she didn't answer the door, he broke in and found her in her bedroom. She had died the night before of a massive heart attack, all alone, except for her dog Gus.
Gus, the dog we inherited.
Next on the list is what perfume I was wearing. Weird, huh? I'm one of those people who wears a scent for a certain period of time and then retires it. I wore CK One for all of the 8th and 9th grade, after that it was Curve, then Glow, l'eau par kenzo, Light Blue, and finally Coco Mademoiselle. Whenever I smell one of these fragrances, I immediately go back to that period of my life. Right off the top of my head, I know that I wore Light Blue during Italy and for my Junior year of College.
After the perfume category, it's on to coats. I tend to do the same thing with coats that I do with perfume, I wear one for a certain period of time and then I retire it to the salvation army. The red faux fur coat, I wore for three years in a row in college- it was like my signature item. These are all the coats I've worn (there are more, I just couldn't find any pictures of them).
Sometimes I think about things in terms of when I had faith that "could move mountains," and then when it became smaller than the requisite "mustard seed." When I was a "good girl" and then when I wasn't. I use this mostly when I'm trying to make a decision or answer a life question, like what would "the good Katie" have done? Why don't I want to do that? Was that version of me the real one or is this the real me? Was she wrong or am I right?
But for the most part, I tend to stick with lighter fare of coats and perfume to help sort out and define periods of my life. I don't know why, I didn't plan on making such a method, but it happened.
Mine is places I have lived... houses, addresses, not neccesarily states.
Oh, I'm a fanatic. Mine are places I've lived, cars, before and after I married, before and after Cade, when I was a devout Mormon and then I wasn't, and... drum roll please... perfumes! Gap Om for jr. high, Gap Dream for 9th grade, Tommy Girl for 10-11, Lucky for 12, Candies before I married (2 yrs- yes I was 20 when I married like a good lil Mormon), then Davidoff Cool Water the whole time I was married (4 yrs). Of course, Juicy Couture for my divorce this past year and now Chanel No. 5. And a various assortment of Bath and Body Works sprays for more casual days, all of which my husband's ex-wife bought me this year. I know, weird.
At least I know I'm not completely odd because I categorize with perfume.
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