It's not looking very good for Baby Stellan, he's in critical condition and is currently being airlifted from Minneapolis to Children's Hospital Boston. MckMama twittered that it might already be too late for this, his heart has just given out. He needs a miracle.
5 days ago
praying for a miracle!
my heart is aching for them right now.
i'm a MN girl, makes the blog world seem so small.
I keep visiting her site and checking Twitter for any updates. Every time I think of them, I either get goosebumps or tear up (which has been really handy as I've been tutoring this afternoon! Ha!).
And, totally unrelated, I'm so glad we're "following" each other (because I'm nerdy like that). YOU are an incredible source of inspiration and strength. When I found your blog, I, too, stayed up past MY bedtime to read your entries.
But back to the topic at hand, I'm praying for Stellan and now that I've explained the newest updates to my mom, she's also praying (which means that in about an hour, there'll probably be an entire convent of nuns somewhere in the world praying for him, too; She's proactive like that).
I've been hearing about Stellan a lot today, and it just breaks my heart. It makes me realize my "problems" really aren't that big of a deal at all. I'm praying now!
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