We did deep conditioning hair treatments on or hair, so I had to take a picture. I don't think I've deep conditioned my hair since before Spencer. Before that, I did it every week, so my hair was very grateful for the TLC. Sometimes you just forget about these things when you have kid! Right?

We went to Sephora one afternoon because I had a gift certificate I needed to use. This is me with my new makeup on. Steph always makes me feel girly again, which is so good, because I forget about (suppress) that part of me sometimes.
I had such a great time with her! And even though it wasn't the kind of raucous fun we used to have together, it was just as wonderful. Thanks for coming Stefania- and even though Spencer woke you up every morning at 7am and I made you watch So You Think You Can Dance, I still hope you had fun!
So pretty!! And, you've inspired me to deep condition my hair, too. Shoot, even just putting CONDITIONER in my hair would be an improvement. Ha! But, you look pretty and happy and that's so great (and so important!).
I'm having to skip your SYTYCD (that's an awful long acronym, huh?) post because my DVR gave out on me and only recorded the first 2 minutes?! Ugh. Now I get it to watch it tomorrow, with my sisters, who will, undoubtedly, talk through the ENTIRE thing. Lol.
Great picture!! Girl time is much needed sometimes... us moms tend to forget about ourselves...
girl time is the best!
i'm glad you two had some fun together :)
great pics hun!
Love the photos- beautiful! And I'm laughing out loud, because I have photos of me and my BFFs with wet hair in towels in the bathroom because we all decided to dye our hair one night. Love girl time!
I had a lot of fun despite the early morning wake up calls from Spencer! Love you Katia!
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