Thursday, January 15, 2009


I live in Virginia.

It's currently 16 degrees. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 7 degrees. 7 DEGREES!

To make matters worse, Spencer's not feeling well. Which translates into "I'm under house arrest."

The poor girl is cutting two molars right now, and she is very miserable. For the past three nights she has woken up around 1am crying. Then she won't go back to sleep 4am. Three nights in a row this has happened!

I'm hoping tonight will be better, because I need to get a decent night of sleep. The combination of being cooped up, a sick baby, little sleep, and single digit temperatures has made me a tad cranky.

I am looking forward to this weekend, I have some new recipes to try out. And for Tuesday! I love the Inauguration, it's such a hopeful time. And the dresses- seeing the Washington Elite trot out in their finest attire.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, stay warm!


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

you too!!

The Kramer Angle said...

H! Well thank you for stopping by my blog. I have actually been to yours before and really like it. One of the things I love about bloggers is for the most part people are completely honest. No put ons, no airs; and I find that to be true with yours. I respect that and admire it.

I appreciate your comments about my blog and hope that you will come back again! Oh and on another note, my ten month old god daughter is going through the same thing as your child. Just remember, "this too shall pass"! (I know it's exhausting but you will get through it!)

Thanks again!


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