Her 4ft tall giraffe. Isn't he cute? She hugged him for a good two minutes and then tried to scale the giraffe and ride him like a horse.
This picture makes me sad! She was so tired Christmas night because she didn't really take a nap all day. I put her in her high chair while I was making her some dinner and warming her soy milk. Two minutes later I looked over and saw this. She was just tuckered out, as the country folk say!
We went to Chuck-E-Cheese with her PGPs and PGGPs. She was a little overwhelmed with all of the kids running around, but she really liked this ride- I think she rode it like 5 times. And I got to play Skee-Ball, my all-time favorite game. It was a fun day.
I was a little afraid when I first put her in it, because it goes up like 8 feet in the air! But she never once was afraid- my brave little girl.
She looks fierce!
She is so darn cute! As hard as this whole single mom gig is, moments like these make it worth it, don't they?
Such cute pictures!! I love the giraffe! I would have loved to have on eof those when I was little!
those are darling! i especially love the giraffe - my daughter was begging for a 3ft. tall pet giraffe for Christmas.
how cute she is. who says you can't leave the tree up all year??? :)
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