So I just got off the phone with my mom and this is what she said:
Katie, your father's been in a car accident.
Me- Is he okay?
pause. His car is totaled.
Me- Is he okay? My voice rising about two octaves.
pause. I think so, he's says he's bruised but he doesn't want to go to the hospital.
Needless to write, I was (am) very upset. I had just gotten off the phone with him about an hour before that. He's a doctor and was on call tonight, which is why he was out. My mom told me he said that he didn't have time to go to the ER because he needed see his sick patients. That is SO my dad!
Ugh, I just want to go to bed and pretend this day didn't happen. But I can't, I need to stay up and make sure everything is okay or at least until he tells me everything's okay. Prayers would be greatly appreciated!
I'm so sorry! What a great person to worry about his patients instead of himself. Selfless but still he should be checked out! I'll be thinking of you. Let us know how he is.
I am soory to hear that you dad was in a car accident. I hope that everything turns out ok and that it was only the car that got hurt badly
Sorry to hear about your Dad. I hope he is okay! Keep us posted!
That sucks! Hoping for the best...
I'm so sorry! That's a scarry phone call to get. I'm sending you lots of prayers and hugs!
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