When I think about all the places I want to travel to, it's usually to places abroad. But recently I've started thinking about all the places in US that I haven't seen. I've started making a list, some are a little random, some mainstream. If you have any suggestions, please tell me so I can add it to my list.
- Macinac Island- Michigan
- Traverse City, Michigan
- Gulf Shores, Alabama
- Destin, Florida
- Tybee Island, Georgia
- Sedona, Arizona
- Jenny Lake, Wyoming
- An Alaskan Cruise
- The Berkshires, Massachusetts
- Branson, Missouri (this one is just for my MeMa!)
- Ellicot City, Maryland
- The Ozarks, Arkansas
- Lake Champlain, Vermont
- Riverboat Cruise up the Mississippi
I promise a real post tomorrow, this weekend just wore me out. Hopefully the spring in my step will return shortly!
Ok, this is just bizarre. Judging by the time on this post you were writing this at the exact same time I was talking about this very thing with a friend. The irony of dreaming about travels abroad when there is so much to see here in our own land.
I have a goal to see all the National Parks and of course things like Mt. Rushmore and New York City. Really though my favorite thing is to find odd roadside attractions and add some "spice" and random photo ops to travel.
Oh! I am going to Tybee Island in October for a Girls weekend...
(not to gloat or anything)
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