- Friday was filled with birthday present shopping, taking care of my parents house while they were in LA and cleaning.
- Saturday was Lila's 1st birthday party. This would normally not cause me any stress at all, but my ex-boyfriend (Sara's brother) and his new wife were going to be there. I hadn't seen him since before he got married and since before his wife said we were no longer allowed to communicate with each other. Everything turned out fine and it was very undramatic, but I had been worrying about it for so long that the process just zapped me of all my energy when we left the party. It was like the biggest weight being lifted off my shoulders and now I could breathe again.
- Sunday, Spencer's PGP's came over and planted some trees. Then my aunt took us to the cemetery to visit my Grandpa and Papa for Father's Day and then we went out to eat. (My parents were in Los Angeles for a volleyball tournament with my brother.) Thank goodness my aunt was there, because Spencer was in rare form. She started pitching a fit the second I put her in the booster seat and it got worse when the waiter informed us that they were OUT OF CRAYONS!
6 days ago
His wife and my ex's psycho girlfriend should get together and have a nice big cup of Bitch Tea.
Glad it turned out to be okay!
adult girl time!! That sounds so funny. But it seriously is the best! Its even better without hte kiddos. I'm glad its all over.
I can totally see how that would wear you out!
Hey, just saying hi from SITS! I LOVE the name of your blog! Your little one is adorable. Probably for the best that your encounter wiht your ex's wife was undramatic in the end...but holy stressful! Cute blog :)
SO glad you said the weight was lifted off your shoulders. Looming drama is no fun. Sounds like a busy busy weekend, hope you can get some rest this week! :)
P.S. We are going to Hawaii in September. It will be here before we know it!
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