I guess I'm fairly lucky, being that she's almost two and she's never bitten me, but I wasn't happy. And the weird thing, it was over absolutely nothing! She wanted to run around naked after her bath, which I let her do, but then it was time to powder and diaper her little bottom. Well she got so mad at me, bit her own arm, and then I guess she realized that hurt, because she threw herself on the ground and sunk her little teeth into my leg.
It really didn't hurt all that bad, or last all that long, but I screamed like a big baby! I immediately picked her up and put her into time out (no I did NOT bite her back). Of course she started crying and I ignored her pleas to "Get Ow." I had to leave the area, because I'm weak, and I always cave in to those crocodile tears.
About two minutes later I snuck back in, just so I could hear what she was saying. And that's when I heard this, "Good girl Mum Me, good girl Mum Me!" My heart kinda melted and we made up, she promised to never bite me again, ha! I was really hoping to avoid this biting behavior, and since she'd never done, I thought it just might go my way. But I guess not, so does anyone have any good ideas about biting, ones that don't include biting back? I would REALLY appreciate it!
hey katie! thanks for stopping by my blog! i wish i had some helpful info about biting, but my little man is only 4.5 mths and i haven't had experience with that yet! hope it all works out for you! just be consistent with whatever you decide to do. have a great evening!
Cade never did the biting thing. Ever. Well, yet. I'm thinking if he hasn't done it by now, he's not going to do it. Wish I had some advice for you.
The people that think biting their kids back will teach them- they need to sterilized. Though I do find myself chuckling a bit at their stupidity.
Aw, this is so sweet and sad at the same time! Charli Beth bit me whenever she was younger and never did it again until recently we were playing and she did it again. Which she did NOT get in trouble for but I had a talk with her that playing or not it's not "berry nice" as she says. I'm so glad that you can handle time out, Charli does not do good with this at all. But she is miss attitude all the way around!
oh I am sorry-- Henry was not a biter-- for long... and Sam seemed to have picked it up a few weeks ago but has not really done it for long.
This may be isolated event.
I think that my respose to it startled Sam so much that it scared it out of him..
At day care they do time out... and seperate the kids...
Good luck! It is another faze that they cannot take to college with them so don't worry to much...
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