So while I'm waiting for an update on my dad, I distracted myself by taking photos of my room. The master bedroom is the room of the day, although in my case, master bedroom just means a few extra square feet, no bathroom.
My chest of drawers, notice the pigs! The color of my walls is not coming out right in these pictures.
Up close and personal with my oinkers. I got the one on the right when I was in Peru for 5 cents. She was already chipped, I guess that's why it was so inexpensive, but haven't ever fixed it. I guess I think it's part of her charm!
My bed. You might notice there are no pillows on it, and that's because Spencer peed on them and they're in the wash right now. How could Spencer pee on both of my pillows? Well, it was right before her bath and she was running away, jumped on my bed and laid on the pillows. I picked her up and that's when I saw the lovely yellow pool of liquid that was puddled on my pillows. I was not happy.
I need a picture to go behind my bed, or maybe a few small pictures, any suggestions?
Closeup of the duvet.
Nightstand and hallway. See Spencer on Santa's lap in the hallway?
So that's my room. It needs some accents, but for the most part I love it. It's dark at night and bright in the morning, waking up isn't too difficult, and that's what's really important, folks! haha!
Other Rooms:
Bonus RoomBathrooms
Spencer's Room/Nursery
I love the bold color on your walls!! Great job! I am going to be checking back on your dad, I need to read the last post, praying!
I love the wall color and your pigs are so cute. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!
Great wall color!!
I love the piggies too! And the lamps! :)
Sorry about your pillows, but funny story. No advice for your wall above the bed. I'm in exactly the same boat as you!
Winchester... how about you? Btw, love the lamps!!
Oh I love your duvet! ...And the piggies, too :O)
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