Monday, July 27, 2009

Trying Days

Spencer goes through phases so fast, that by time I've gotten a grasp on how to handle it, she's moved on to the next one. And it applies to everything, behavior, likes, dislikes, sleeping, eating - pretty much all major aspects of life.
Some of them are so cute.

Like when she insisted on wearing my Kappa flip flops until she broke them.

Or when found my makeup bag, gave herself a makeover, and then wanted to do it everyday - even with blue magic marker.

And then some are not so cute, like the two weeks where she made herself throw up every time she cried more than two tears. NOT cute, but just as soon as I began effectively dealing with those tantrums, she had moved on something else.

And today was not cute. She's begun a few new things, I'm not sure which is driving me the most batty at the moment. Is it the game she plays with me, where I call her name and she looks at me and smiles, turns her back, runs into her room her slams the door? Is it the game where she lifts up my dresses, skirts, and shirts when we're in public? Or is it the all all consuming, body heaving, sobbing that she does when I don't want, or like, to play these games?

I really don't know the answer. Each one is exasperating, but it breaks my heart when she's crying, and in between gulps for air, says "Why" gulp "NOT. Mum Me?" gulp, cry, gulp "Oh, no Mum Me" cry, breathe "Pweese, Good Gul Mum Me!" Like she's trying to get the point across that it's just a game, she doesn't really mean it, and why don't I want to play with her?!

But then again, I was pretty MAD at the Dollar Tree today when she kicked up my dress with her foot, got her shoe caught in it, and my unmentionables were on display for the gazillion people all staring at us, as I tried to free her foot while she's wailing because I'm not playing this game with her. I don't think there's a color that would accurately describe the shade of red that was my face. Even Fire Engine sounds too pale. Is this the worst? I can't decide.

So yes, these are trying times, but hopefully, this too shall pass. Until then, I think we'll be avoiding stores, especially the Dollar Tree. Who knows when I'll be able to summon up the courage to ever go back there again!

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Anonymous said...

The only benefit from stages is realizing that you didn't mess up your kid; they just do it. It's just our job to turn it into teachable moments!

Saying no is tough, especially when they're so cute when they cry. You'll both work your way through it!

I'd wear pants tomorrow! LOL

Sara said...

All the stages you described bring back so many memories of my now 5 year old daughter. She did the "Throw up when I cry" thing. She lifted my skirt ALL.THE.TIME.

It does get better, but then they just go in the "I want to be sassy and turn 16 tomorrow even thought I have yet to get through kindergarten" phase. :)

Found you on SITS and just LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog.

JessLikesStuff said...

Hahahah...oh dear! I mean what a little cutie (the blue magic marker takes the cake), but oh my goodness...the Dollar Tree story...this too shall pass, of course, but I can just imagine how embarassing that must have been for you!!! Thanks for giving me something to look forward to ;) hehe...

confused homemaker said...

it's always amazing to me that these stages can all happen in the same day too.

stopping by from SITS:)

Annie said...

oh no!
she is probably just going through a phase, hope it's a quick one!

Gardenia said...

stoping by on the blog hop. wow, your little one's eyes are beautiful! and her face, and her bday party pout. so cute.

Kelly said...

Oh, I'm so sorry! I'm sorry for these trying times and for the fact that I'm laughing out loud right now! I love the first photo- with the purse. And crying so hard she throws up? Sounds like me as a child. I was a *bit* of a drama queen! Hang in there. She's too cute to be mad at for long (and she knows it).

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