Thursday, July 16, 2009

Windows to the Soul

One of the questions the blogoshpere frequently asks me is "where did Spencer get her eyes from?" So here is my longish, hopefully explanatory answer! (Please excuse my lines and wrinkles)

I took this last week when I was trying to get a good photo of my new hair cut. I wasn't just being vain! haha

For the most part they come from me. My eyes are more blue than Spencer's, hers are a more grayish-green-blue than mine. That comes from my mom and her MiMi. She also has beautiful dark circles ringing the edge of her iris, showing off her eyes even more. I just have plain blue eyes with no iris circle.

Usually in the above question there's also a reference to her eyelashes. The pictures of my eyes in this post are of my completely naked eyes. I have on no makeup and I did no post retouching- my eyes, 100%. It's impossible to tell, but I have long eyelashes too, it's just that mine are blond on the tips. Unless I wear mascara, it looks like I have teeny tiny lashes. Spencer's are long, thick, and dark. My PaPa had long, thick, dark lashes, but he's the only on both sides of Spencer's gene pool that has/had lashes longer than me.
Basically, Spencer's eyes always amaze me, and I like to think that I had a part in contributing to them. So that's my kinda answer to the questions!

My new hair cut!
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Micha said...

I love the haircut!

Maisy said...

She does have AMAZING eyes.
Katie~ I love your new do. It's so cute. I seriously didn't think you could get any prettier. Thanks for proving me wrong :)

Patti said...

I think it's clear where Spencer get's her good looks from! :)

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

omg! Love your hair cut :) ...and there is no doubt that she is yours!

Annie said...

now we know why spencer is so cute! ;)
cute cut girly!

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