When I was pregnant with Spencer, I spent hours upon hours researching the best DVDs, CDs, and books that would make my little Mango a Baby Genius. I think I own almost every Baby Einstein DVD that ever made. She also has a ton of Baby Genius DVDs and a gazillion other make-your-baby-smart ones.
I started playing them for her when she was around 1-2 months. It didn't bother me that she didn't pay attention, because what baby that young does? When she was about 4 months old and she still refused to watch any of the "smart" DVDs I started to get worried. Doesn't every child love Baby Einstein? But while she refused to watch what I wanted her to, she sat still and paid attention to The Gilmore Girls, Alias (reruns on TNT) and Dancing With the Stars.
For Christmas that year, my mom got her That Baby DVD which changed our lives. It's a music video of popular songs danced to and acted out by toddlers and preschoolers. She danced and laughed and would stop crying every time I put it on. Each time I tried to trick her with a BE video, she would become hysterical until I put on her show.
That Baby DVD worked its magic for a long time, but by the time she was 9 months old, she was onto That 70's Show. I know what you're thinking, "what type of mother lets her baby watch that kind of tv?" But I was game for anything that held her attention for 5+ minutes. You try watching the exact same 30 minute DVD hundreds of times and I promise that you would let your kid watch anything.
Since she turned one, we've gone through several tv show stages; The Backyardigans, Reba, and HI-5. She refuses to watch any kind of regular cartoon or Sesame Street. This past week we stumbled across a new show, are you ready for this one?
Hip Hop Harry
I have never seen her have such a reaction to a show before. She becomes engrossed, trying to imitate the dancing moves they are doing. She waves her arms back and forth and dances as if was at a reggae concert. It's hilarious to watch and I've tried for days to video tape her doing it, but each time she sees the camera she sits down and pouts. (But I'll keep trying!)
It's hard for me believe that after all the time and effort I put into trying to make her the next Marie Curie or Sylvia Plath (minus the depression and suicide) that she picks Hip Hop Harry to watch. But it also makes me laugh, because she's being herself and doing what she likes. That's amazing to me- she's her own little person!
I blame myself for her dancing up a storm, as I laid the foundation for it when I was pregnant. I watched So You Think You Can Dance when I was her incubater. When the music would start I could feel her boogying in my tummy. After she was born we continued to watch. As Sabra became the first female winner of the series, I proclaimed Spencer as the next Cyd Charisse, the next Julie Kent, and the next Anna Pavlova all wrapped into one.
I guess SYTYCD and all that in utero and newborn baby dancing really did leave an impression on my babe, because she is the happiest when she is grooving to the rhythm. I guess this is the part where I finally admit she's never going to watch Baby Einstein, so does anyone want to buy some new and some lightly used make-your-baby-smart DVDs? Although I have to warn you- your baby will like them or they won't, and there's nothing you can do about except watch Hip Hop Harry. Over and over and over.
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
6 days ago
Adorable! Henry Loves to Dance too. He cannot wait for the muisic sequences in movies tto start and he will turn up the music as loud as I will allow him and groove to the music!
I LOVE SYTYCD. I hate AI. I'm literally forced to watch it by my retarded husband.
Cade only watches movie cartoons. And only the computer animated Pixar type. I tried the classic Disney movies- NOPE. So I get to watch Wall-E, Cars, Monsters Inc, Nemo, the Ice Ages, Madagascar, etc OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
We burned her out at just 9 months old? Well, I'm glad she enjoyed it for a while! Thanks for the shoutout!
Rob Wolf
Creator of That Baby DVD
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