We got about 7-8 inches of snow here in central Virginia on Sunday night. I was SO looking forward to Spencer getting to wear her snow bibs for the first time. Yes, she has seen snow before, but no actual accumulation.
After she got up and ate breakfast, I started getting us ready for a day of snow filled fun. It took awhile to get us both bundled up, have you ever tried getting mittens on a toddler? Not easy to do! We walked outside, hand in hand, and she got her first glimpse at a Winter Wonderland.
I plopped us both down in the snow, expecting shrieks of glee, but I only heard a fearful wailing. She hated it!
She was afraid to walk in it, sit in it, or play in it. I'm hoping this doesn't too long and that she'll be more used to it tomorrow. What child hates snow? But let me tell you, she looked so cute in her snow suit! I'll have pictures tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great weekend.
OH, I DO I DO!!!
Cade does, too. Hate snow, I mean.
Henry was the same way until last year. HE HATED IT. Cryed if we made him stand in it... would not sled... nothing. This year?? I cannot get him inside.
I wouldn't hate it if they could find a way to keep it off the damn sidewalks.
I guess I don't really hate snow, I just hate shoveling.
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