Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Today was Spring Cleaning Day, out with the old and in with the new. My job in this process, and it was a pro-freakin'-cess, was dishes. I washed dishes for 6 hours. So now, while my back is aching and my feet hurt, at least I can say all my dishes- every last one of them, are clean.

See, I don't have a dishwasher. Well, that's not entirely true, I'm the dishwasher. And that means that I had to wash everything with my two, now very pruney and wrinkly, hands. I went through 4 sponges and almost an entire bottle of dish washing soap.

One of the reasons I needed to do all of this was because I was incorporating my dishes with a bunch of my Mema's. Up until now they were just sitting in boxes, but I decided that I was ready to bring them out. And woweeeeee! Did she have some super cool ones!

Now, I am the proud owner/user/displayer of some great retro pieces. My favorite one is a teal pot followed closely by the cast iron skillet. Yes, I know not to use soap on it. I'll take some pictures of them tomorrow so you can see how great they are. Tonight I'm just too tired- I'm going to crash early while I watch the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency.

I hope ya'll had a great weekend! Oh, and how about those Tarheels?!! Final Four!

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Maisy said... are too cute. you washed all your dished. i've never heard of that before.
what else do you do??

Patti said...

Yay for a new blog design!! I want one so badly but am too cheap! Maybe someday...
Praying praying praying!

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