Yesterday rolled around and it hit me, I was only one post away from 300: Blogger's Block! I began to have a little freak out about what in the world I could write about that was worthy of "commemoration." You'd of thought I was dealing with a real world crisis - like peace in the Middle East, rather then my little personal blog, that's how drama queenie I was acting!
When I woke up today, to Vivien Leigh's "take me outside I have to pee" kisses, I realized I knew what I wanted to write about- so here it is!
I began blogging for a few reasons:
- I'm a terrible scrap-booker and I wanted to make sure that I didn't forget Spencer's little quirks, the cute and not so cute stories, and my thoughts and feelings about her life- our life- together.
- It seemed like it would be therapeutic (and it was free) to write down all the things that were swirling in my head.
- To update my best friend on my life when Spencer and I went to North Carolina for a few weeks this summer/fall.
I didn't have any regular readers for a long time -I didn't get my first comment until almost two months after I started this blog and I didn't start getting regular comments until a month after that. For a while I was just trying to find my footing, figure out what I wanted to write about and what was off limits. I didn't post a picture of Spencer until almost one month after my first post and I never used her actual name until November! By then I felt comfortable in the Blogosphere and I had stopped worrying and caring about people who I knew that might be reading it.
This is the first picture of Spencer I put up on here. Doesn't she look like such a baby?
At first, I was just writing our story, I didn't really try to get to know other bloggers, and I was still a little scared about putting my/our real life on display. For some reason, and I'm not sure what the impetus was, I started to do some blogosphere exploration and it was like I won the lottery. For the longest time after I had Spencer, I felt very alone, no one I knew had any kids and the majority of my friends weren't local. Whenever I'd talk to them, they would tell me about their exciting lives, dates, engagements, vacations, workplace drama etc., and all I had to offer was something like "Babies R Us had a great sale today and I got a really good deal on diapers!" L-A-M-E. But then I discovered so many moms who were dealing with the same issues. I found so many women who wished they were dealing with my issues. I found a support system that was chock full of inspiring people and more and more blogs that I HAD to read.
After awhile I started to get some regular readers and all of a sudden I realized, I have blog friends! Every day I would look forward to reading their latest update and hearing their thoughts and opinions on what I had written. On difficult days I could always count on them to put a smile on my face or just let me know that they were thinking about me. When I would look for fun things to do with Spencer, their blogs were always full of great ideas. Recipes, crafts, online shopping tips, support, prayers, and humor- those are just a few of the ways they've helped me out.
When I started this blog, I was a little, okay a lot, woe is me, poor Katie, life is so unfair. But then I started reading the stories of other bloggers and then I stumbled onto Nie. Life was unfair to her, unfair times 300 is more like it, and the more I read about her and her family, the more I realized how much more I could be doing as a mother. Through her blog I stumbled onto so many others and I found other women who felt the same way that I did. It's made me want to be a better mother, because I know it's possible, and Spencer deserves nothing less than my best.
It sounds so trite to say that blogging changed my life, but it did. Not in a "I'm a completely different person" kinda way, but it's made me want us to live a life that's blogworthy. Not that I didn't want to give Spencer the best life possible before I started blogging, because I did! It's just that it made me realize how lucky I am, what a GIFT I've been given, and how I can make our lives better.
My fellow bloggers, you have made me see a picture that's bigger than just my little world, and have repeatedly shown me how grateful I need to be. There are so many times I've burst into tears when reading about someone I don't know or have never heard of; their stories break my heart, and I find myself praying for complete strangers. I hug Spencer a little tighter because I'm so aware of how fragile she is, how quickly she's growing up, and how much I LOVE her.
I wish the world were a little smaller, just so that it would be easier to be real life friends with my bloggy buddies. When there's a baby shower, or a wedding, or a birthday party, anything that is celebratory- I feel sad that I can't be there. When someone needs a shoulder to cry on, I wish I could provide comfort in a way that didn't didn't involve typing. Maybe that's the beauty of blogging, the somewhat anonymity of it all that allows us to really be ourselves because we're geographically separated. But I still wish I could get in my car, drive to their house, and just hang out.
It's amazing how something so little can have such a large impact. When I started blogging I never anticipated that it would be anything more than an online scrapbook. When I started this blog, my faith was barely a whisper in the back of my head. And while I'm still trying to figure a lot of it out, I'm now trying to see how God works in everything rather than trying to convince myself that he's a part of nothing. My entire life is a work in progress, and I hope it will always be like that- I never want to stop trying to become a better person- the person I'm meant to be.
To celebrate my 300th post, I doing... a Giveaway!! But this isn't any ordinary giveaway- it's a bloggy one! Since the theme of this post is how blogging changed my life (for the better), I thought it would be appropriate to do a giveway that would improve and beautify your blog.
I am giving the winner:
- A brand new custom header for your blog
- A brand new custom blog button that will match your new header
- All of this will be done for you by Jennisa over at Once Upon a Blog, who did such a great job designing my layout!
- She's a very in demand blog designer, with a very long waiting list, but not for the winner!
If you already have a custom blog layout, it never hurts to have a new header to swap in and out, just to spice things up- so I hope that won't keep you from entering!
The rules are simple:
- Create a link to this post on your blog (just click the Create A Link Button at the bottom of the post) and tell us how blogging has changed your life. If it hasn't, you can write about that, too. I'm interested in all opinions.
- If you want, it's not required (oh, please do it!), you can also leave me a comment about how blogging changed your life, and I will put your name in twice for the giveaway. Gosh I'm nice!
- The giveaway will end on Sunday, June 14, 2009 at 11:59pm EST and I will post the winner on Monday morning,
- That's it!
I will write down the name of everyone who's eligible and have Spencer draw the lucky winner from a hat. Of course I will take a picture of this, I wouldn't want anyone to think that the selection process was fixed, haha! The last time I tried a giveaway I only had four people enter, and that just doesn't work- so I'm crossing my fingers that this one goes better. Hopefully I'll get to make some new bloggy friends and discover some new blogs, I think that would be great!
Finally, I really want to thank all of you who have made this experience so positive and memorable. I think I'm so lucky to have found all of your wonderful blogs and I'm grateful for your support and friendship!
talk about getting me thinking right before bed! this is a great idea. i never really pondered on this before and it is shocking how many ways blogging has affected me. then again, it's simply another avenue of human interaction isn't it? and we are touched by everyone we contact in some small way. after all, as Tennyson said, "I am a part of all that I have met."
What a great post... and story! congratulations on your 300th post... here is to 300 more!
Great post! I'm not sure yet how blogging has changed my life. I've only been doing it for about a month so far. When I stopped going to therapy, I just needed an outlet for all my random thoughts. What I didn't expect is that my husband would be so into reading my blog. He loves it and says it helps him to understand me better. That's always a good thing!
This was the perfect post for your 300th!
Now I have to think about how to put it all into words, but I'm going to do it. :D
I have just recently found your blog...It is really interesting to me that you say you began your blog and then became aware of the blogosphere of mommies... I think I might be somewhat the opposite. Like you, most of my friends are not local and none of them have kids so I have been feeling disconnected (even though I am still pregnant) and I began reading some blogs and then I felt like I really wanted my own. I have yet to experience the community found within blogging, but hope that I do!
I apologize that that is kind of ramble-y and long winded for a comment. This is what I wrote in my blog about the giveaway!
To be honest I probably can not say my life has changed a whole lot yet (it has been less than a month!) but I do feel that I am sort of forced to look for the interesting parts in my day. I have yet to really get into blogging well or telling stories but I have been able to add the perspective to my life as far as trying to look in from an outsiders point of view.
Another added bonus, I am more motivated to take pictures which is great and I am also more likely to notice the random milestones. I think it will make me more appreciative of all that I have, especially as I have been feeling that I don't have a lot.
Congrats on 300 posts!
Wow 300 posts. Congrats girl. I'm so happy you started your blog. I don't know who found who first but i'm so happy we found each other. I love being and "aunt" to Spencer. Does that mean we are sisters??
Yay for you!!
Congrats to your girl....sheesh..300 in a LOT!!!
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