Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The List

I was going through some of my old college disks yesterday, trying to put the data on CD's, when I stumbled on the funniest thing. It was a list I made throughout all four years of school, called "My Perfect Man." Every time I thought of something I liked, or didn't like, I would add it to my list. There is an obvious progression in taste and maturity, but some of things I wrote down were just laugh out loud funny.

I'm going to post a few of them today, maybe more tomorrow, if I can ever get over the embarrassment of having actually thought that was what I wanted in a man or having actually thought that one might do some of those things.

  • Lets me watch Felicity, even when it conflicts with a sporting event (obviously the days before DVRs)
  • Will buy me tampons without griping
  • Does NOT wear seersucker or linen, unless we are super rich and in the Hamptons, or pop his collar when wearing polo shirts
  • Does NOT wear saggy pants with exposed underwear
  • Enjoys a good debate/argument without getting nasty
  • Mows the lawn
  • Doesn't expect his son be a Jr., because that's never going to happen
  • Cries at appropriate times, but isn't a cry baby
  • Plays the guitar or another comparable instrument
  • Does NOT hit on my friends
The sad thing about my list, is that these are the least embarrassing things I wanted in a guy! The majority of my likes and dislikes came from things I had experienced with past boyfriends. If they did something I liked, I put it on the list as something I wanted in the future. After we'd end things, I think of everything I didn't like and put it on the list.

At the top I wrote "Any potential mate must be in compliance with at least 70%." Let me just say, if any man could ever meet this 70% requirement, he'd have to be genetically engineered- or a robot! What's even more comical, is that I never, not even once, used this list as some sort of guideline in my dating choices. It just made me feel better to know that "one day" I would have high standards.

What are some embarrassing things you used to think you wanted in a potential life partner? Are any of them as ridiculous or as shallow as the things on my list? Youth is such a funny thing!


Micha said...

oh my gosh... I had the same kind of list!!! fortunately I think mine has long since decomposed. Some of the items I remember are:

when they hear 'orion' thinks stars rather than speakers
likes black jelly beans
doesn't wear socks with Birkenstocks to church (still bugs me)

i can't remember any more off the top of my head, and again, they totally originated from people I knew... hilarious.

Kasey said...

how funny!!
love a good list.

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

That is Awesome! I never had a list written down... but I am sure that I kept one in my head...

I kept journals (this was before blogging) about all my boyfriends, and I am sure there are things in there to laugh at... I may have to get them out!

Hayley said...

My list resembled yours quite a bit! The popped collar and saggy pants part made me laugh out loud because I thought the same thing! One of my more shallow things was that he had to be a good dresser and that he had to be into cars (because I am).

John is into cars, but he definitely needed help in the wardrobe department! Luckily he's been a good sport and has allowed me to banish all of his tapered old man Levi's and old man Reeboks to Goodwill.

Maisy said...

I think I should have made a list. Wow...where were you when I was in college??
Oh well, happy you are here now!!!

Melissa said...

Thats great that you kept a journal about it. I love reading back through stuff I've written down. Brings back so many memories. I never had a post like that, though. I thinks its sweet. All the things you look for. I love the 'not hitting on friends'. What a loser! That is a sure sign he is not commitment material!

I'm sorry to read about Spencer and her tantrums. That is something I would not have been able to handle. I don't know how you do it. I have no ideas either. Let me know what ends up working.

i've wanted to post so much here but I haven't had time.... William and Mary. Seriously???? That is amazing. I read it and I was just awed. If I ever graduated from such a prestige instution I would were a sign around my neck. I would not be humble in any way! That rocks. I bet you have the best memories. What wonderful experiences. That is something you should be extremly proud of. Congratulations girl!

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