This was the deer that was meant for my De-Ah post, but since blogger was wonky, it wouldn't upload.
I think she would have been content to feed this sheep/lamb all day long. He/She followed us all the way to the end of the fence and we turned back at least two times because he/she looked so sad when we left.
What moron wears black uggs to the zoo? Me. Not a smart idea!
Right beside the ducks! With no fence!! But I guess he we was pretty happy getting a tan in the sun.
That looks like a fun zoo!! You were able to get right up a touch the animials (well... not the aligator)
Have a great weekend!
Looks like you guys had fun! That alligator picture made me laugh.
I probably would've worn my Uggs. That would be why I'm on my second pair.
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