Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Not So Cute Spencer Story

Spencer and I just got home from my parents house for dinner. As soon as we got inside, she immediately grabbed my keys and ran away with them. I started to follow her, but I realized all the blinds were open and I wanted to shut them. MISTAKE.

I found Spencer, 15 seconds later, sitting in the bathtub. I laughed and said, "okay, we'll get a bath!" First though, I really had to pee, so I sat down and peed, just like normal. Thank goodness I looked down before I flushed the toilet, or I would have been up a creek without a paddle- because there sat my keys at the bottom of my toilet. In my pee.

The toilets all have a lock on them, so she must have figured it out. I was not happy. What do you do when your baby proofing needs baby proofing?

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Maisy said...

Aunt Maisy loves when Spencer throws you a twisty, curvy ball!
Yeah for Spencer.
See, being the Aunt allows me to think those things are cute.
(however, I would have been "pissed")

Hayley said...

Ok that made me laugh. I can't help myself. I would've been beyond pissed off!

Ah, kids are fun.

Nicole said...

Hi, I just came from MckMama's site.. Just to let you know your prayer is just as important as a sick child.. Don't stop praying!

John & Michelle said...

You are so welcome for the flower info! Please keep me in your prayers, as Mother's Day is so hard for me as a waiting mom. Hope you have a good one!

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

oh dear.... luckily the boys have never tried the throwing things down the toilet game...

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