Katie's 7 Rules of Retail Therapy Spending
- If I buy something, I must sell something. They don't have to be the same value, but if I buy something I don't need, then I sell something on eBay that I no longer want. That way there is still money coming in and not just money going out.
- I give myself a price limit before indulging. The price can vary, depending on my financial situation and the reason why I'm feeling I need retail therapy. Ex. A big fight with friends or family may have a $50 limit, whereas a difficult day with Spencer would probably have a $15 limit.
- There is also a monthly limit that I give myself. If I spent $15 every difficult day with Spencer, that would roughly be about $300 a month! By setting a monthly limit, I have to decide what warrants retail therapy and warrants a nap and some Hershey's kisses. This month had a $75 limit, some months have more, others have less.
- Retail therapy spending, (RTS) always comes from my PayPal account. I take the allotted amount out at the beginning of each month and put it into my regular account. I must always have at least $300 dollars in PP, I never let myself go under that amount, at least in terms of RTS. If I only have $350 in there at the beginning of the month, then I can only take $50 to spend.
- If I don't spend the full designated amount in that month, I put it back into PayPal. Some months are more difficult than others, and I like to have a little cushion for freedom, just in case.
- Know when to say NO. If my first thought is "I don't know if that's worth the money" then it isn't. I usually prefer to spend smaller amounts on many things than a large amount on one item.
- RTS is only on me! Almost all of my money is spent on Spencer, so RTS only really works if it's something for me.
Vintage flower pots with a really cool removable base.

As you all know, I am a Kappa Kappa Gamma. Our symbol is the Key and and our colors are blue and blue (different shades of blue). So when I saw this for sale at Maisy's Market, for just $4, I knew it was meant to be mine!

Mini vintage flower pots.

This is 50 tulip poppy seeds, for just $1.99!
This month's theme seems to be flowers, I keep gravitating towards anything having to do with them. So that's how I indulge myself, without going over the top. What are somethings you all do to boost your spirits?
I love your rules. That is really a big part of the overspending battle, not having parameters. I will need to set some rules for when we're back in the spending game (no income at the moment). I love the paypal rule. I think I'll use that one for us.
I love the rules. What a great idea. :) I need to follow them!!
LOL I'm so not letting John see this post.
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