Every time Spencer hears the opening lyrics for this Olive Garden commercial, she starts grooving like she thinks she's on So You Think You Can Dance. Whenever she's getting fussy or upset, I find the commercial on my DVR and play it- works like a charm!
Sorry the video quality isn't the best, I took it with my new Blackberry, because I'm just to happy that I have one.
Holy crap, that's so cute. I love how she totters and falls over but then just keeps going. Oh- and now that song is stuck in my head along with visions of breadsticks and ravioli.
The suggestions you gave were awesome, and I'm thinking of mixing two of them together, in a way. I'm thinking I may put some things to a vote. Thanks for your creativity and cleverness!!
BTW- you hit 1500 profile views. Soon you may be giving Dooce a run for her money! ;)
Oh that is cute!
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