Monday, May 11, 2009

A Retraction of Sorts

For as much as I thought it was really going to suck, it wasn't all that bad. In fact, I'd have to say it was a pretty good day!

My dad bought me and my mom corsages to wear out to brunch where I had a delicious cheese omelet. He then gave my a new cell phone, since I've been without one for about 8 months now. Note to parents of teething toddlers: Don't give them your cell phone. They will kill it!

My parents really went above and beyond because they got me the Blackberry Storm!!!

I can't even begin to explain how happy I am to have a cell phone again, much less a "smart" cell phone. I haven't downloaded any apps yet, but as soon as I get some time, I plan on it!

After brunch we all went to the cemetery to visit my MeMa and my Grandma- all of my grandparents are at the same cemetery. The place was packed- people were everywhere! We had to search for a place to park, that's how crowded it was.

When we were done there, Spencer and I went back to my parents house. "Spencer" had gotten my a Mother's Day present. I had to wait til I got home to take pictures of them because I forgot my camera, plus I wanted to put them in my favorite vase.

Aren't they beautiful? I think Spencer has great taste! She was such a good girl yesterday, it's like she knew it was the day to behave. I feel kinda badly for being so down on the day when it turned out better than I could have possibly imagined.

I really appreciate everyone's kind words to me about my last post. It really means so much to me!

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